Food and Pride

Jul 02, 2009 16:20

Yesterday evening I went to the 4th nutrition seminar at the YMCA.

It was very interesting (the subject for the night was fat loss and toning).

The approach of linking nutrition to exercise and of thinking about burning fat instead than losing weight in itself, is, in my opinion, very sound.

I won't make big changes to what I eat but I will try to:

- cut the amount of sugar (I have a very sweet tooth!)

- distribute it as suggested (smaller dinner with few carbs, and one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon snacks)

- eat more protein (my breakfast consists mainly of fruit and we were reminded that we should always have protein with carbs)
- eat more slowly

As in previous seminars, we were told that we should set measurable and realistic targets, within a chosen timeframe.

I think that tonight I may just measure my waistline, as it makes more sense than the weight itself.

The timeframe will be 2 months, in time for the nudist beach in Sitges! (Considering that it will be bear week, probably it's not the best target audience but I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I'll never be a real bear anyway).

I just hope that this new eating regime won't drive poor Adrian insane! Who knows, he might even want to try it out himself.


In other news, we have decided on the spur of the moment, to recycle our "vintage" 2005 Pride floral costumes for the parade this Saturday.

Lovely Lynne should also join us, all in black with flowers on her Stetson!

Jim (and Ross) will come round on Sunday to judge the front gardens around the estate.
And then we'll have afternoon tea at home: I'm looking forward to the baking! (And the eating! of course in moderation... well maybe).

ymca, pride, nutrition

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