An alligator on the wedding list!

Jan 24, 2007 21:16

Last Saturday we went to John Lewis to scan the items to put on our gift list for our Civil Partnership.

It was fun to go around the store, up and down the floors and add items. 
We were there for 4 hours (including a break for tea and pastries, on the house), and the loveliest part was that it just felt so normal, so right and nobody seemed to bat an eyelid at two gay men compiling a wedding list! (or perhaps we were just too busy to notice)

When we handed back the scanner, we made the girl laugh. We only marked one priority item (mainly to test the palm scanner): an "alligator onion chopper". She said that normally priority items are things like plasma TVs, etc. and that she had never seen anything so funny before!

It is not your average wedding list.... we have most appliances and enough glass and china, so it's a mix of things we would love to have but we can live without, and just quirky stuff, such a bee nest for the garden! (useful and so sweet!)

* * * * * *
Then we met our lovely friend Wills in the Kings Arms for a drink (and a well deserved rest); after this we headed down to Piccadilly to look for a jacket for Adrian for the wedding (but unfortunately didn't find a nice one in his size) and bough a shirt in Jermyn St. for my outfit.

Finally a mad rush for the Curzon Mayfair to go and see " A home prairie companion" but it was sold out (as it was on in only 3 cinemas in the whole of London). So we'll try again tomorrow night.

john lewis, civil partnership, wedding list

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