May 13, 2009 15:29
I didn't manage to watch Eurovision last night but I recorded it. Thank you to all of you for posting about Eurovision behind cuts, or not giving away that much.
When I got home last night Adrian was having a meeting with Martin and Miranda (two neighbours) to discuss the photographic competition that is going to be part of the residents' association 50th anniversary event in late July.
Then Neil popped round to return a digital camera he had borrowed and then stopped for a glass of wine and a chat.
Last but not least was the 'lovely Lynne' (as Ricardo - lovely himself - always, and very fittingly, calls her) bearing gifts: an M&S Cherry Pie with custard. Yummy!
It was nice to catch up with all our friends and also to discuss with Lynne and Neil a recent event that left Adrian and I rather 'gob-smacked' (to use Adrian's words).
We are going to 'rise above it' but it was good to get it out in the open with friends. Lynne had a very good point: that we shouldn't expect everybody to behave like 'us'.
She's right. There's nowt so queer as folk!