Blue Monday

Jan 19, 2009 13:05

Apparently today it's the most depressing day of the year.
Bills from Christmas to pay, pay day still another 10 days away, it's winter and dark, and this year we are also blessed with the credit crunch.

I was reading this on the train this morning and thought little of it.
That was until I withdrew £250 at a cash machine on the Strand (we need to pay the tree surgeon on Wed): the transaction was approved, and I waited and waited for the money. Eventually an error popped up informing me that the transaction couldn't be completed.
Pity that according to my bank, it was.

I rang the bank but was told I had to go to a branch this morning where they filled in a form for me.
But this only after they opened a new savings account, filled in a new credit card application and scheduled an appointment for Thu to discuss my savings.
(The bottom line is that I may get the money back in a few weeks' time, if they can find proof of my claim).

So, how's your Blue Monday going?

P.S: The BBC reports that "A group of optimists will attempt to banish "Blue Monday" with free comedy and cheer packages for celebrities and others "in need of a lift"

I say "Yes please! Put £250 in mine".

blue monday, money

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