Politics and holiday weather

Mar 17, 2008 23:32

I received two letters today: one from David Cameron (the leader of the Conservative Party) urging me to vote for Boris Johnson for Mayor of London, and the other one from Silvio Berlusconi asking for my vote at next month's Italian elections.
(Mr. Berlusconi used the familiar "tu" pronoun: how very dare he!)

Well I am sorry for the waste of paper (though of course it will get recycled) but they both have the same chance of getting my vote as I of waking up tomorrow morning with a full head of hair!

I've been checking the weather forecast in France and it says rain and snow for the end of week. And we've been looking forward to our holiday for such a long time. Oh well, what can you do? We don't get to vote for the weather.

politics, weather

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