Having been looking for a part-time job for some considerable time, it was suggested that a little volunteering would look good on my CV filling the blank space of current occupation. I'm really looking for a part-time (2-3 days) paid job, no weekends, something interesting and creative, and as stress-less as possible - tall order ? - you bet !!
Well I started volunteering one day a week with the Garden Museum near Lambeth Palace, my first day was last Thursday, and I'm back tomorrow...... It's a place I have always thought lovely, and it is very pleasant spending time there. It is rather busy at the moment, as there is a ten week event that started last week, "Treasures of Lambeth Palace Library", in the nearby Lambeth Palace.
I am working "front of house", seeing people in, answering queries and helping with the gift shop. It seems about 5% of visitors are "straight forward", the rest is filled with all manner of off-the-wall questions, chatting about everything under the sun, and dealing with the odd "strange" person - "rather distressed" was the description omeone gave me about another visitor who spoke to no-one but himself, read the print off everything, and had an argument (with himself).... and then left with one of every leaflet.
The vegetarian Cafe in the centre of the museum is very popular and is run by an outside source, and a lot of people come just for that. I had lunch last week sat in the 17th century inspired knot garden.................
The tomb of Captain William Bligh (and his wife)