So there's a tropical storm here in acapulco, so that's fun. It's rather scary all the lightening and stuff because I'm a pretty jumpy person.
Like seriously, I can ask you to scare me and I'll know it's coming and I'll still scream.
In other news, I finished chapter eight of my novel. Yay!
Just so you know, I'm writing a book. I've been maping it out in my head for a year and finally last month I decided to write it down, and so yesterday very late at night I finished chapter eight, I'm not really sure how many chapters there will be, I'm thinking around twenty.
So that's all good, plus I've been on youtube a lot. I found this awesome song called Hot and cold by Katy Perry, you may know her as the chick who sings the I kissed a girl song that no one can get out of there heads. It's really fun I shall post a link. super fun song.
Anyway nothing really intersting happened today besides the storm which is pretty fun to watch.
Till later.