Laura I dunno why but I always feel obligated to help with ur guyses Ljs. lol I used a big word(obligated, haha). Yea I made a thing on my old Lj and if u like it I'll give u the colors......if u have one color that u wanna change to a different color or something just let me know.....or if u dont like it at all thats fine. just wanted to give my opinion like always! HAHA! u no how I am. lol.
HEY WOWIE! update plz. me and Erin are wondering whats up with u! we dont hear from u much these days. and like erin said it only takes a few mintues to update. lol. ks I'll ttyl
WHAT THE HECK! THIS IS BRI, just telling u cuz it probaly wont let me use my username...theres something wrong with ur journal cuz it says I cant post anything. its being strange.
Thanx for updating!
ks I'll ttyl
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