Apr 14, 2015 20:49
Wow, these days I'm really missing LJ and keeping book journals in general!
I'm just browsing through my "friends" tag here and ;_; nostalgia
man, I always think nothing ever happens but just looking back on the last 5 years alone...there has been so much change!
Well, I'm not sure if I'll ever really find my way back to LJ (because, let's be honest, it's faster to just vent on twitter >_<;) but I want to try to keep a book journal again or a diary, idk.
I'll probably not keep it for long, though xD; I suck at doing things regularly lmao.
Although when I started LJ back in 2007 I actually wrote daily entries (with a few exceptions). ö_ö
So, that's my awkward first (and last?) post of 2015 XD;
Miss ya all <3