this was lol xDD

Nov 26, 2013 12:51

Inside were an adequate blanket, a water skin,
a cheap metal plate and a spoon, a sheath knife,
and packets of crackerbread, dried meat, and dried fruit.
“It makes me glad I brought my own supplies from home,”
Thymara commented thoughtlessly, and then winced at the
look on Tats’s face.
“Better than nothing,” he commented gruffly, and Rapskal,
who had attached himself to them like a tick on a monkey,
added enthusiastically,
“My blanket’s blue. My favorite color. How lucky is that?”
“They’re all blue,” Tats replied, and Rapskal nodded again.
“Like I said. I’m lucky my favorite color is blue.”


I already like Rapskal so much xDDDD big fat dork <3
generally, it would be nice if this trio could stick together and form a firmer bond,
I like all of them a lot and especially together!

btw same for Sedric and Alise, I hope their friendship deepens on the journey, though
there is much in the way that would have to be cleared off first...*cough* Hest! *cough*
though the best thing already is that both of them get to be away from him for a longer period of time
....ideally forever...

though I must say that he does not come across as SUCH a terrible human being, at least his logic I can understand
but he lacks so much consideration and sympathy for others that he ends up being cruel and very egoistic
alas, being in a relationship with him is very unhealthy and also...
that weird rape shit that neither he nor Alise want to experience...
don't like that at all

the rain wild chronicles, quote, books, rant

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