Misha Collins:
WOW, YOU ALL LOOK LOVELY. If I had a taxidermist on my staff I would have you all stuffed and mount you on the walls of my home. In a sort of life-like, but terrifying pose.
I slowly understand why he isn't creeped out by the fandom, he is a creeper himself...
the more I see/read about him I realize I got the wrong impression of him in the beginning XDD
shy, well-mannered sweetie my ass! XD
close enough indeed XDDD
if it's not himself then it's the interviewer who pushes the conversation in that certain direction:
Interviewer: Would you like to see Castiel eventually lose his virginity? Get a love interest? even something sweet?
Misha: Yeah, it doesn't have to be BDSM. It could be something sweet.
Interviewer: Yeah, like what you have going on with Dean.
Misha: Exactly. Right. Yeah.
Misha Collins: There are some pretty long, drawn out glances between the two characters. I tell you, me and Jensen, we barely glance at each other, and somehow they make it look like these long, romantic interludes.
"Do you prefer to spit or swallow?"
you know, yesterday I would have been embarrassed on behalf of whoever would dare to ask such a question
but seeing how misha loves to banter with his fans and can be really cheeky I think that he should be able to deal with that
especially after that whole talking part about porn this question was extremely clever I think! xDDD
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Misha: Hi.
Girl: Hi. So, my question is not about porn.
Misha: Next.
Girl: I can make it about porn.
Misha: Ok.
Girl: Ok, so here's the porn question: uhm, you had been talking recently, just now, about, you know, eating on set. So do you prefer to spit or swallow?
Misha: there should be an award for that question. But they're all, they're all made out to other people, uhm. Oh there it is. Oh, she doesn't want to give it up, that's gold to her, uhm...
Other girl: Mine!
Misha: What's that?
Other girl: Mine!
Misha: Yours. Yes, you're not giving that up. Hmmm, interesting question, difficult to dodge, uhm...
Girl: Do you want my real question?
Misha: It's...That's one clever question like that, it's kinda hard to out-clever it. You kind of, you kind of won just by asking the question. Now I'll humbly admit defeat. Congratulations.
lol, misha, why suddenly so shy to answer that question? I bet he is a spitter, judging from that other interview where he talked about how disgusting the food is and about that woman whose job it is to collect the spit out food from the actors' mouths...