worst doc appointment evar

Feb 02, 2011 14:04

Okay, maybe not ever, but things did not go as planned.  After over a year of decent cholesterol and sugar scores, this time they were crappy to put it mildly.  And to top it off I've gained five pounds.  How I managed that, I don't know considering I forget to eat half the time.  Doc also wants me to start exercising again, though when I explained I'm working ten to twelve hour shifts, he was quite understanding and just suggested I try to fit it in where I can.  *sigh*

He recommended Omega-3 supplements to keep from having to go back on the Crestor or other cholesterol drug and I picked up some Super B complex just for shits and giggles.  Now to remember to take the damn things.

Hopefully, I'll be able to start hitting the gym again in the near future.  Fitting it in between work and dance will be a challenge, but if I'm gonna lose the twenty pounds the doc wants me to lose, I gotta make the effort.

This getting old thing sucks monkey butt.


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