state dance championships

Mar 26, 2010 20:57

The competition season officially begins for my mook tomorrow.  We'll be spending most of the day in Lakeland, me trying to get some writing done in between routines, and her bouncing about and dancing her wee little heart out.  Lather, rinse, repeat for Sunday.  A fairly easy competition schedule-wise this time, which is good as the first one always includes the jitters no matter how seasoned the dancers.

I'll report back on Monday as to how well she/they did.

Been busy at work, covering for injured boss and dealing with multi-day headaches.  I pulled a double (okay, more like a one-and-a-half) yesterday with my head pounding so bad I could barely think.  Today was #7 in a row, all opens.  I is one pooped puppy and looking forward to sleeping in past 0500 tomorrow.  A'course come Monday I'm at work at 0430, which is bloody early believe you me.

Oy vey, the things we do for our progeny.

dance, lifetheuniverseandeverything, competition

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