down to the wire

Sep 02, 2009 10:43

D*Con is almost upon me.  The pre-drive, pre-doingsomethingnew, pre-con jitters have arrived right on schedule.

Today is the major packing day, since I somehow got it off.  Oddly enough, we've gone from not enough to too many managers at work and guess who gets the short end of the hours stick.  *waves hand*  Yep, me.

I've decided to not bring my SG costume along as I've lost a bunch of weight since I last wore it and even with the belt tightened down to infinity the pants hang on me.  I may still bring the gun belt and drop holster for funsies, they may just not make it out of my suitcase is all.  I've two plaid school-girl skirts -- one very "Hot Topic" style -- both of which are, again, too big due to unplanned weight-loss.  I am bringing my corsets, even though I can now put on the black leather one without loosening the ties, my split-sleeve shirt and my fangs.  Pirate vampire here I come.  I wanted to build a Harry Dresden-esque staff, but never had the time to sit down and work it out, never mind build it.  Should the weight loss remain or continue it's slow downward spiral, I would like to create (and wear) a Hathor costume.  I think I could pull that off, as the actress playing the part wasn't a twig and had actual curves.  Other than those minor costuming plans, it'll be me, jeans and my various geek shirts.  Oh, and the infamous "cleavage shirt" for Friday during the day.

On the car front, the right front headlamp has moisture trapped within.  I tried to get it repaired today ($400 for parts and labor -- shoot me please), but they don't have the headlamp in stock and had to order it, so I won't be able to fix it until after the trip and have another actual day off.  He's all clean and shiny and ready for the drive.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to work until 1500, then dance for the female child, then a nap, then off to the races.  I'm hoping to hit Atlanta before the morning rush hour, check in, and die for a couple hours before the fun starts.  If I look to be hitting the city at the wrong time, I'll just pull over and crash int he car for a bit, then get back on the road after.   Having never lived in a real city I totally suck at getting from place to place in said environment, never mind adding in the whole neverbeentothatparticularcitybefore factor.  Though based on the directions the hotels are right off the highway and impossible to miss.  Here's hoping.  *crosses fingers*

I expect to be spending mass amounts of time in the bar decompressing from the hell work has been.  Oh, that Best of the Best thing?  We took second place.  Thank the thousand little gods that is over with.

ETA:  The boy, who is as big of a Stargate nut as moi, made me try on and talked me into taking the whole SG costume with me.  In fact, he requested that I get Joe Flanigan to sign my P90.  *snicker*  Not too shocked as his Halloween costume a couple years ago (in my BDUs no less) was John Sheppard.  He even got his hair cut and had me spike it up for him.  I love my geeky children.

cons, lifetheuniverseandeverything

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