nationals time

Jul 01, 2009 11:35

Yes, my friends, it is that time of the year again.  Nationals.

Today is the beginning of Starpower out at the Dolphin hotel on Disney property.  The mookling has one routine for Thursday and the other five on Saturday, so beginning Friday evening we'll be out at Disney, staying at a nearby hotel (I got a steal on the price).  I'll be reachable via my cell phone, which gets emails from several of my accounts.

I'll keep y'all (who are interested anyway) apprised of how ell she/they are doing.

Next weekend, beginning Thursday, is IDC out at the Bob Carr Auditorium in downtown Orlando.  This means, for those of youse who know me, that I won't be at Shore Leave this year.  Nope, not gonna be terrorizing the peeps at that con this year.  However, I will be in Atlanta over the Labor Day weekend, searching for a whole new set of minions at Dragon Con.

It has the slight potential to be fun.

dance, competition

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