Shore Leave wrap party

Jul 17, 2007 19:07

So, yes, I survived.  Had beaucoups fun.  Collected several minions.  Joined SG Socom -- SGA special ops -- and will be joining my team for fun and glory next year.

Got in extremely late last night due to my plane leaving BWI after it was supposed to land in Orlando (thus the delay in this short but sweet wrap report), and then had to open at the restaurant today.  Hung out with lots of cute guys, none of whom believed I am as old as I am.  Yes, the ego went home very happy.

Will be doing my damnedest to stay at the con hotel next year.  We were only a five minute drive away, but a 0330 it's a bit of a challenge.  Yes, that means I did not get all that much sleep.  *BEG*

Oh, and I learned the best way to distract an Imperial Guard -- adjust your corset.

Yes, that is indeed moi.  The outfit went over astonishingly well.

I chatted with several of the talent -- got charged by Colin Cunningham whilst eating at Panera.  Had an embarrassing moment when I learned the lovely gentleman with the brogue who had been admiring my chest was actually Aaron Douglas from BSG.  *facepalm*  Chatted with Claudia Christian and got winked at by Paul McGillion.  The bar is so the place to hang out.  Oh, and shared whiskey with Captain Jack Sparrow.  They ran out of rum.

I don't know if a fun time was had by all, but it was by me.

shore leave

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