nine days and counting

Jul 03, 2007 21:29

Gods, it's time already?  A little more than a week and I leave for Shore Leave and my annual vacation away from reality.

Got my hair done, finally.  Completely different, yet again, but I love it.  Need to buy the smaller set of fangs, but don't have time to do so, dang it all.

Let's see... I still need to hem the black jeans, which is a trick since I can't sew (with or without a machine) to save my ass.  I never did get the other corset fixed, so I'll only be bringing the one, but that's okay.  I have a collection of t-shirts and tank tops that shall hold me in good stead.  I only wanted to wear the corset on Saturday afternoon/evening anyway.

Work is... work.  Not killing me yet, but I am getting tired of saving everyone's butts during this transition.  The new boss and I are getting along okay so far.  She's a hard ass, but in a good way.  She enforces the rules, so if you can live with doing things the right way then everything's fine.  Me, being an anal retentive Virgo, have no problems with following the rules.  It's when I have to follow them for everyone else that I get annoyed.  I liked my previous boss, he was a nice guy and all, but he let a ton of shit slide and the few of us who gave an actual damn got seriously tired of picking up the slack.  The opposite is happening now.  New boss is cracking the whip and people are fleeing in droves.  That means three times the work for those of us left.

To borrow from Joss: Grrr.  Argh.

For all that I do, I still feel useless most of the time, simply because I haven't had the training I need.  Not my fault, I know, but still leaves me feeling like a nervous fifteen-year-old when I have to tell my boss "I don't know" to a question I'm dead certain I should know the answer to.  I'm guessing once I get back from my vacation I'll be hitting the books and getting the real training.

Stay tuned for potential brain implosion due to information overload.

cons, and everything, the universe, life, shore leave

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