Work was pretty tiring today. We were really busy and I didn't end up leaving until 720. Linda decided to do a necropsy on a cat after work after we were already there for ages.
Currently waiting for Johnny to call me. Dumb boys are dumb. Told him I didn't really want anything serious between us as I just got out of a long-term relationship but I was confused at what his opinion was on that. I couldn't read it. I have no idea whether it was shocked, disappointed, or excited. lol If he ever fucking calls me back I'm going to ask him because I'm curious.
I'm down to 172 lbs. as of today. :D I used to be 187. Yessssss. I'm hoping to get down to about 140 or so. I'm only 5'3 1/2" after all.
Four names that people call me:
1. Summer
2. Summ
3. Summertime
4. Autumn/Winter/Spring/Fall/April etc.
Four jobs I have had:
1. Dunkin
2. Concession
3. Groom/stable hand
4. Receptionist
Four movies I would watch more than once:
I've seen sooo many movies multiple times.
1. The LOTR Trilogy (About 7+ times apiece)
2. Spirited Away (5+)
3. Transformers (~4)
4. Forrest Gump (~4)
Four places I have lived:
1. Chicopee
2. Belchertown
3. Palmer
4. Jessica's house :P
Four places I have been:
1. Minnesota
2. NY, NY
3. Toronto, Canada
4. Virginia Beach
Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
People more IM me than email.
1. Gala
2. LJ
3. Barnes & Noble
4. Mom
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Cheesecake w/ Red fruit
2. Lobster
3. Potatoes
4. Shrimp (actually, seafood in general)
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Passing all my classes
2. Horse Showing w/ Emily & Rileigh
3. Going to the Beach with everyone
4. Makin' monies!
Four TV shows that I watch:
2. The View
3. Cartoon Network
4. eh. Random shows.
Four Things I Love:
1. Stormy
2. Presents
3. My good friends <3
4. Good times
- Now, here's what you're supposed to do... if you want to.
- Copy and paste this into a new note/post.
- Erase my answers and type in your answers
- Post and tag your friends including me so I can see it.