Chapter Fourteen of 'Temporary Mate'- Working With Elentaeri

Sep 10, 2017 19:27

Chapter Thirteen.

Title: Temporary Mate (14/?)
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and associates own these characters. I am writing this story for fun and not profit.
Pairing: Harry/Draco, past Harry/Ginny and Harry/Michael Corner
Content Notes: Angst, violence, creature fic (Draco is a Veela), action/adventure, Auror fic, minor character death
Rating: R
Summary: Escorting Malfoy on a dangerous mission in another dimension to speak to French Veela, Harry and his fellow Aurors are attacked and left for dead. Harry and Malfoy are the only survivors, and wounds the attackers inflicted have released Malfoy’s Veela heritage. Now he’s probably going to die unless Harry can successfully bind himself to Malfoy as a temporary mate-and they still have to survive the trek to reach the Veela stronghold.
Author’s Notes: This fic will be updated whenever I finish a chapter. It should be anywhere from ten to twenty chapters long.

Chapter One.

Thank you again for all the reviews!

Chapter Fourteen-Working With Elentaeri

“I think bringing the French Veela through is a mistake.”

“So you’ve said,” Harry murmured, keeping his back to Jenara as he moved two of the chairs closer together. He’d arrived in the work room ahead of Draco, who’d said he wanted to talk to Caleigh, and found four chairs equally spaced around the small table. Aligning two of them together would hopefully keep any explosions from happening. Now he and Draco would be in touching distance of each other.

“And you working with a young Veela so obsessed with making you her mate is a mistake.”

“What would you have me do? I won’t abandon my own mate because someone else is making a mistake.”

“You don’t have to be in the negotiations, though,” Jenara said, wrinkling her brow as though she didn’t understand why Harry wasn’t bowing before her in gratitude. “You’re not a Veela and you have no standing to say that you know the French community.”

“Maybe not. But Draco will be calmer with me there. What do you think Elentaeri will do if I’m not?”

“Come hunting you?” Jenara made it a question, still frowning a little.

“Irritate Draco to the point that he might explode,” Harry countered. “Our bond is still new enough that he’s insecure about it even though he has no reason to be.” Harry had to smile at the thought. The silly prat. “Then he would lose standing in Caleigh’s eyes and might lose his own part in the negotiations about the message that he delivered. There’s no reason for me to stand aside except fear.”

“For some humans, that would be enough.”

“Not all of them. And something tells me that you haven’t met enough humans to judge us as a group.”

Jenara nodded slowly, her wings bobbing behind her. “I did not think of Elentaeri sabotaging the negotiations, I confess. Since she argued so strongly for new blood coming in, I thought she would support it every way she could.”

“She already sees the new blood she’d like to have,” Harry muttered. He still didn’t know if he believed that Elentaeri sincerely supported letting new Veela into Asovima, or if she had done it only so that she could be with him while they discussed it. “And she thinks that she can make me abandon Draco by making him look silly or lose his dignity.”

“And-humans do not care about that?”

“Some might.” Harry had found that the stupid things people cared about when it came to standing and political power-the look of the thing-never failed to astonish him. “I don’t. What I care about is that I have someone who can love me. I doubt Elentaeri’s capable of that. She’d want to show me off as a pretty object.”

Jenara seemed to spend some time considering that. Finally, she murmured, “You deserve the truth.”

“You’re going to tell me something about Elentaeri?”

“Only that she has tried to steal others’ mates before. I think she cares more about being mated than who she does it with, although it might be she finds you more attractive than most of those she has pursued. She is being unusually determined.” Jenara looked straight at him. “I am sorry if this wounds your pride.”

Harry snorted and shook his head. “Of course not. It saves me from worrying that I’m breaking her heart. A broken heart can be fatal in Veela, I know.”

“Yes. But I do not think Elentaeri has one to break.”

Harry had to grin. Jenara fluttered her wings once more and turned away, adding over her shoulder, “Good luck to you in the negotiations. Some of the points Elentaeri makes are valid, although she is an idiot.” And she launched herself out the wide door, like a seam in the side of the tower, that let into the room a second before Caleigh, Draco, and Elentaeri landed.

Draco came at once to Harry and sniffed close to his neck. Harry let him. Jenara hadn’t touched him, of course; she probably had a jealous mate of her own. But the sniffing was easy enough to tolerate.

And it even pleased Harry in some way that he couldn’t explain, and thought he probably shouldn’t try to say aloud. That someone wanted him, was angry when other people tried to touch him, not the Boy-Who-Lived, was special and important. Harry had wanted, guilty with wanting it even as he did, for other people to make a fuss over him unrelated to his defeat of Voldemort.

He wanted the same sort of spoiling that Dudley’d got. At least, once in a while.

Draco made a soft noise as if he sensed all that without Harry even speaking it, and Harry leaned close to him and shut his eyes. It would be nice if that was true. He would feel so stupid saying most of what he felt aloud.

Draco rubbed the back of his neck and then curled his fingers so that his nails trailed hard along Harry’s skin. Harry sighed softly and turned his head up, focusing his lazily blinking eyes on Draco.

“We do have negotiations to attend to.”

That was Caleigh. Draco bared his teeth and gave a soft hiss. Caleigh only looked at him, clearly not intimidated, and shook his head. “We all make allowances for a new bond as we can, Veela Malfoy, but we cannot let you simply caress your mate in front of us and not say something.”

Draco’s hand trembled away for a second. Harry thought calling attention to the fact that it was a caress would upset Draco. But a second later, Draco raised his head and nodded. Then he pulled out Harry’s chair and let Harry settle into it. He took the one right beside him immediately, but only draped his wing to encircle Harry’s shoulder.

“I apologize for the offense, Veela Caleigh.”

“I always find that people who constantly touch each other in public have no dignity,” said Elentaeri, before Caleigh could answer. She took the chair on the other side of the table, opposite Harry. If she found Harry and Draco sitting together annoying, no one could have told that from her smile. “Don’t you think so, Harry?”

“Auror Potter. You could call me that.”

Elentaeri bit her lip and seemed to suppress a blush. “I think people who constantly-”

“We are getting distracted from our path,” said Caleigh loudly. “Veela Malfoy, will you explain the French Veela’s largest concern about relocating to Asovima?”

“Of course I did not specify the name of your city before I came here,” said Draco at once. His wing remained on Harry, a gentle, feathery weight, no heavier than a beam of sunlight. “I was told to find an enclave that would accept them. But I believe your city is the best choice.”


“Partly because of the reasons Veela Elentaeri brought up at the meeting,” said Draco, and his smile to Elentaeri was so empty of emotion that it might have been transparent. Harry leaned against Draco in a furious attempt to stop himself from snickering. “Because you seem to have many Veela here who lack mates. There would be nothing that would integrate Veela from another world like finding someone to love.”

“Yes, and live with,” said Caleigh, with a fleeting glance at Harry as if he thought one or both of them might not understand that. “You grasp, Veela Malfoy, that not all Veela will find mates here?”

“I know that. But you can accustom them to this dimension. And when they go out to find other mates, they will be confident living here because of you.”

Caleigh stared at him. “You believe it will benefit us in other ways than having more mates. Or even more defenders of Asovima.”

Draco inclined his head. “This dimension is isolated, but not so isolated that some of the Veela elders in France don’t have records of it. This could be the beginning of an alliance with our world.”

“And other people would come through?” Elentaeri leaned forwards and arched her wings. Harry wondered what she was doing now. They were beautiful and shining, but they could never match Draco’s. “Other humans? Humans suited to being a Veela’s mate?”

Draco gave her another empty smile. “I can’t say how many of them there would be. But it would allow you a much wider choice than you have right now.”

Elentaeri sat back. Her wings were still raised, and quivering. Harry blinked. It seemed she was just-interested in possibly having a human mate.

Jenara’s right. She just wants to be mated. She’s targeting me because I’m new and she’s never seen someone like me before, but she’s not trying to be annoying even with that. She just wants to have what Draco and I have.

That made Harry relax a little. He might not like Elentaeri, ever, but he didn’t have to despise her.


Draco stretched his wings out and groaned. They had settled most of the details that really needed settling in the negotiations-such as when the first group of French Veela would come through and how many of them there would be, and how they could use a spell Caleigh had shown them to open a gate nearer Asovima-and Draco knew he should be feeling good about his accomplishment. But mostly, his back ached and his arse ached and his wings ached from the hard chair. He wanted to sleep, but he knew the aches would change into twists and torn muscles. He started to wearily massage his own back.

“Let me do that,” Harry whispered, and nudged Draco’s hands away from the small of his back. Draco collapsed face-down on their bed, grateful that he had managed to fly Harry back to their small tower room before giving in to his weariness.

“Your muscles feel rigid.”

“Yes, I know. Stupid chair.”

“And keeping your wing draped over me the entire time.” Harry sat back and pushed up Draco’s shirt, and Draco heard him murmur a spell that would probably conjure some warm lotion onto his hands. “You didn’t need to do that, you know.”

“I wanted to be sure Elentaeri understood she had no claim-ah.” Draco arched under Harry’s fingers, as they found a knot that seemed to have ties to most of his back muscles and dissolved it with some hard rubbing. “You have another calling if you ever want to stop being an Auror,” he mumbled incoherently, pushing his face into the pillow.

Harry laughed with what sounded like startled delight above him. “I’ll remember that, Draco.” His hands descended and continued to stroke back and forth, now and then digging and pressing. Draco warbled a little croon and let his attention drift for the first time since they’d walked into the negotiations that morning.

Elentaeri’s name brought him back, and he opened a reluctant eye, wondering why Harry had to mention her just when Draco was getting relaxed.

“You didn’t need to keep your wing there to warn her off, I said.” Harry paused, and used both palms to lean his weight onto Draco’s back until Draco gasped. Harry swiftly backed off and began to massage the lotion into a few other, less tight places. “I did that well enough by myself. I don’t want to belong to anyone but you.”

Draco made a sound that was probably messy with need. Harry leaned down, gently turned Draco’s head to the side, and kissed him. By now, Draco was relaxed enough that that didn’t make his neck crimp up like it would have before. He kissed back, his wings fluttering with his urgency.

Harry rolled him to the side and then onto his back, carefully arranging him so his wings drooped free, and kept kissing him. Draco squirmed against him, arching his hips and lifting his cock. Harry didn’t seem to take the message, so Draco concentrated hard enough to hunt down the right words.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Harry drew back and blinked at him. “I thought Veela-”

“You thought I didn’t want you to do that.” Draco bared his teeth at Harry’s astonishment. He knew there were a few pieces of the past still unburied between them, and Harry had probably thought Draco would never trust him enough to let Harry to be on top. Or was too arrogant to bottom, one of the two. “Come on, Harry. Or you are not man enough?”

Harry slightly rolled his eyes. “You can’t convince me that way.” But his eyes were full of heat as he studied Draco. “You’re relaxed enough not to be in pain?”

“Masochism isn’t one of my kinks.”

Harry smiled and bent down to kiss him. Then he began to conjure lube, and Draco opened his legs and sighed as he felt Harry’s fingers probe inside him.

He stared down at the slightly bent, slightly averted face and wanted to lick his lips. Yes, this was never going to happen with anyone else. Harry’s eyes snapped to him and he blushed, but he kept his fingers inside Draco.

“You know how to do this, right?” Draco did whisper. He wondered if Harry had exclusively bottomed for Corner, but he banished the thought before it had a chance to scramble the inside of his head. Harry wasn’t going to be doing this with anyone else any more than Draco was.

“No, I’m totally uneducated.”

Draco started to lift his head, but Harry laughed and pushed his face gently back into the bed. “Of course I know how to do this, you prat.”

“You didn’t sound like it-”

“You shouldn’t have asked the question, then.”

Draco ended up rolling his eyes and relaxing as best he could while Harry coated his fingers again in the lube and slid them slowly back and forth, rubbing inside Draco’s entrance. Draco sighed and his wings spread and stretched, fluttering. Harry made a soft noise. Draco opened one eye to look at him.

“You’re so incredibly hot when you’re relaxed,” Harry said, and bent over to kiss him before Draco could come up with an answer for that. Well, then again, he supposed that Harry didn’t really need an answer. Draco was more than happy to let his legs fall open and his head tilt back as Harry’s fingers slid deeper and woke pleasure inside him.

It wasn’t long after that when Draco reached down and caught Harry’s wrist. “I don’t need any more preparation.”

“All right,” Harry said quietly, and drew back. No asking if Draco was sure, no distrusting his wishes. He simply gathered up his cock and slid into Draco with the same slowness he’d used to explore him with his fingers at first.

Draco tossed his head back with a shrill gasp. He had forgotten-it had been long enough since he’d had someone inside him-how very intense this was. For a moment, Harry went still on top of him, his gaze finding Draco’s and holding it.

“If you stop now I’m going to play with you forever the next time I take you,” Draco snarled back, and Harry smiled and began to thrust.

Draco kept his eyes open for as long as he could, holding his mate’s gaze and watching Harry’s green eyes flutter and blink in slow pleasure, but before too long, he couldn’t do it anymore. His eyes slammed shut, and his body began to rise and fall with more than Harry’s thrusts. He pushed himself back onto Harry’s cock as hard as he could, and Harry groaned and moved faster in response.

The racing pleasure of the bond began to softly burn at Draco’s wrists and ears, connecting them nearly the way it had when they bonded in the house Draco had conjured. Draco shifted his hips and arched them a little, searching for-

There it was. Direct contact with his prostate. Harry stared at him, lips open, and then parted them further in a moan and thrust even harder.

Draco fluttered his wings and raised his upper body a little from the bed. It was making him pant with effort but then, Harry was doing the same thing and then didn’t stop him from fucking Draco as hard as he could. Draco was going to prove-

That he was the equal, he was the Veela, they were the same-

Harry was staring at him again. Draco grinned, as best as he could when he had to fight to control his wings as he hovered in the air, and then lowered himself again onto Harry just as he began a slightly upwards thrust.

The moment blazed through both of them, and reached out with coiling tendrils of heat to wring Harry dry. And a second later, it arrived to do the same thing to Draco. Draco bucked as he came, his voice trailing out in a warble. Then he flopped over Harry and just crouched there, trembling.

“You’re wonderful,” Harry said, and wrapped his arms around Draco as if he assumed Draco would fly away if he didn’t.

Draco chuckled and closed his eyes. His back ached from the effort of exerting his muscles and wings like that while he was being fucked. And his hips shuddered with how hard he’d banged them into Harry’s, and his throat ached from the sounds he’d made.

All in all, it seemed like a good time to go to sleep.

Chapter Fifteen.

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temporary mate

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