New story ideas

Oct 20, 2015 13:01

Writing down a bunch of fic ideas that are in my head so they won’t get away (this doesn’t include plans for Advent fics or Wednesday one-shots):

The Serenity of His Rage. This is almost certainly going to be the story that I start next when A Series of Malfoy Events is finished, which it should be this week. It’s a sixth-year AU where Narcissa doesn’t make Snape swear the Unbreakable Vow, and therefore Snape and Dumbledore focus more on persuading Draco to give up on his “task” of killing Dumbledore instead of helping him fulfill it. Draco accepts safety in the end, but before Dumbledore can bring Narcissa to Hogwarts, Voldemort kills her.

After that, Dumbledore decides that the best way to both keep Draco safe and to kill the Horcrux in Harry without the risk of exposing him to Voldemort’s Killing Curse would be to construct a soul-bond of sorts between Draco and Harry. It mimics the soul-bond that the Horcrux creates between Harry and Voldemort-Harry and Draco can feel each other’s emotions, dream about things the other wants intensely, and see through each other’s eyes unless they’re using Occlumency-but in this case, Harry’s soul is drawn further towards Draco’s and away from the shard of Voldemort’s. Dumbledore hopes that eventually, Harry’s soul and the Horcrux will separate completely, and he can get the piece out without killing Harry.

Draco is utterly, utterly furious. As far as he’s concerned, Dumbledore sacrificed his mother by being too cautious, and now he’s using Draco as just a tool to save Harry. Draco is determined to use the soul-bond to his own advantage. Dumbledore thinks it’ll make them care about each other? Fine. Draco doesn’t have anyone else to care about now, other than his father. Then Draco is going to use it to make him and Harry a unit, and achieve some of the goals he wants, including to get his father away from Voldemort’s clutches. And he’s going to break free of Dumbledore’s control and make him pay for trying to use the Malfoy family as pawns.

Probably fairly long, complex, and dark.

The Art of Self-Fashioning: Gen fic, with mentor Minerva. AU where Harry is not the Boy-Who-Lived, but still raised by the Dursleys. He grows up more privately focused on keeping the things he likes to himself and away from anyone else even knowing about them, and when he comes to Hogwarts, he gets Sorted into Ravenclaw and discovers an interest in Transfiguration. He starts using it to conduct experiments on himself-growing wings, altering his skin to be harder, etc.-and writing in secret to McGonagall for advice. She replies without knowing exactly who she’s writing to, but as time goes on, she gets more and more concerned about this student who seems to be brilliant but who might be treading a worrying line in his attempts to conduct intense Transfigurations on his own. And she doesn’t know why he seems to be at Hogwarts but she can’t find him (Harry is still keeping everything to himself, so not performing extraordinarily in class).

Plus, the war is heating up and Harry’s talents might not remain hidden much longer…

Beggar to Beggar Cried: AU where Dumbledore figured out Harry was a Horcrux a lot earlier, partially from running into the Slytherin ring when he was trying to track the Deathly Hallows down. He came and got Harry from the Dursleys when he was six, and raised him in the knowledge of what he was and what he would have to do. Harry thus recognizes the diary when he sees it in second year and, because he’s intensely lonely and wants to talk to another Horcrux at least once before he hands it over to Dumbledore, he writes a few pages to Tom Riddle.

So then you have Tom’s manipulative talents against Harry’s training against Dumbledore’s observations, and everything is a mess pretty quickly. Includes Harry/Diary!Tom sort of romance. Like everything else, it’s a mess.

The Jester in Dumbledore’s Court: Harry starts overhearing conversations in fifth year that make him paranoid: are all his friends really Death Eaters? Is Snape planning to hand him over to Voldemort with every Occlumency lesson? Is Sirius even really his godfather? But no one else can hear these conversations, and dismiss it as Harry’s temper and maybe (if they’re not his friends) his attention-seeking lying. Harry also has to wonder if he’s going crazy-except then some people start acting in ways that seem to confirm what he’s hearing. He falls further and further into not knowing what the truth is, because there appears to be a new layer of conspiracy and a new possible explanation under every layer he finds.

Now, story ideas, stop bothering me.

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