Collecting Prompts again

Jan 27, 2015 16:08

Now that I have two recently finished chaptered stories, I've decided that Tuesdays will be dedicated to finishing up late Advent fics and eventually, neglected chaptered stories. Today I'll post the first part of "Anularius," a Harry/Snape prompt I was writing for Advent that got way too long and had to become a chaptered story, and after I finish that I'll be tying up older fics a chapter at a time, starting with Sympathy for the Predators. I've wondered what to do with them for a while; this gives me a plan and a deadline, which is necessary.

However, that leaves me open Wednesdays. I've decided I'd like to post one-shots then, and I have an idea for this Wednesday, another Advent prompt I didn't get around to. However, for other Wednesdays, I will need other prompts!

So you know the drill:

-Specify the pairing you'd like, or if it's gen. I can write Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Snape/Harry/Draco, Ginny/Luna, or Harry/Lucius. I also got a bit adventurous during Advent and wrote Neville/Harry/Draco, so we can add that to the pile. Gen with any character is fine.
-Specify any particular kinks or squicks you'd like me to include or avoid. I would rather not write mpreg, chan (under 15), crossovers, non-magic AU's, and watersports, but anything else I'll at least take a shot at.
-Give me a little prompt or scenario. You can ask for a one-shot sequel to a story I've written, if you like, or even AU- though keep in mind that since it's short, I won't be able to do justice to a really long prompt!

The fics will be posted each week on Wednesday, and I'll answer the prompts in the order they appear.

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you like.


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