Year's End Post

Dec 31, 2012 14:14

Here's my annual year's end summary!

This year I wrote 47 one-shots: Cannot But Keep the Form, Schooled, The Courtship of Tigers, Letters From Exile, Defendere, Jericho Rose, The Inner Lands, The Shining Courts, Candid Alley, Evening Star, Once Out of Nature, Darker Than You Think, A Giant Among Wizards, Liar's Mask, Veiled, as a Monster, Ramiferous, There Was Glory, Devoir, Until the Solstice Rises, Graceful Is As Graceful Does, Material Abundance, Black House, Bright Memories, This Old Darkness, Bells to the Wild Sky, His Refuge, The Fire This Moment, Beltane's Contrary, The Hogwarts Campaign, Like Hawks in Midair, Shadows Stay in the Corners, Cutting the Knot, Psychopomp, On the Outside Looking In, A Broken Triumph, Dare to Know, From Inside the Morning, Defender's Armor, Crystalline Dreams, Days of Glory, Leaves, Constructed to Make Anew, Gold, as Captured Flame, Gifts, Glittering and Jeweled, Algorithms of Radiance, Blood Once Spilled, and three that haven't been posted yet: Darkness Now Stirring, To See, to Speak, and Fortune Falls from the Air. I also have two one-shots in progress, Treasure Hunters, just started this morning, and a one-shot I can't name yet for the do_me_veela Valentine's fest. I'm very pleased with this output, although of course most of it was Advent fics or requests that came in a little late for the Advent. It does show me that I can write a lot under pressure.

I also completed 5 chaptered stories I started in 2011: All Desire in a Day, This Enchanted Life, Ashborn, Sanctum Sanctorum, and Parismony. In 2012 itself, I wrote 8: Anarchy as Art, The Conservation of Fame, Writ on Water, Reap the Hurricane, The Descent of Magic, Deconversion, The Library of Hades, and Leopardspaw, I also have 7 that will carry on into the New Year: Wondrous Lands and Oceans, A Reign of Silence, The Name I'll Give to Thee, The House That Lovers Built, World in Pieces, Heraclitean Fire, and Sympathy for the Predators.

1) Be better at replying to comments. Because I appreciate them, and it's rude not to be. Part of the reason I didn't answer all of them was illness, but some of it was laziness, and then of course it felt like I was too far behind and I shouldn't even try to catch up. I'm going to try and be better about that.

2) Have a lighter story going on at the same time as the dark ones. I was able to do that with The Descent of Magic and Leopardspaw, and it's good for me to have a break from the heavier stories and have a bouncier one with shorter chapters to work on. It also seems to be relatively popular! There's a reason that my next chaptered story, coming in Leopardspaw's gap, is going to be A Black Stone in a Glass Box, in which Harry does something stupid to save the world from future Dark Lords during his lifetime, and Draco tries to undo it because he's bored.

3) Continue to write one-shots. I have a lot of ideas from the prompts left on the Advent post and others, and even the ones I thought would be impossible to write Advent stories for worked out. (One of the stories I'm working on right now, "Treasure Hunters," is for a late prompt on the Advent post). And it's also good for me to work on shorter stories rather than just chaptered ones so I can feel that I've finished something.

4) Tie up at least two on-going WiPs. These would be World In Pieces and Sympathy for the Predators. Chapter 10 of the second one is now edited, and just needs to be posted. It also needs the last chapter of the story to conclude it, but I think I can do that now. World in Pieces had a couple of developments that meant my original ending wouldn't work, one reason I got stalled, but I can work my way clear to the end if I think about it a bit.

5) Try another pairing I never thought I'd write. I wrote one Harry/Ginny/Draco one-shot, "Ramiferous," and liked the way it turned out. I'd like to try another pairing or threesome, maybe a femslash one, that stretches my boundaries a bit.

6) Finish the Hurricane series. After Wondrous Lands and Oceans comes Here to Live and Die, and it's finished.

year's end, nonfic

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