Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?
Disclaimer: Don't own it and have made no money at all from this!
“Romana, there is nothing in the universe my hearts want or desire more than what I've asked.”
When Romana broke contact with her mind Rose felt as though a jolt of electricity had passed its way through her body. Exhaustion quickly washed over her in its wake, and it was all Rose could do to open her eyes as her head came to rest on the back of her chair. “I'm so tired.”
“The weariness you are experiencing will pass momentarily,” Romana reassured her.
Rose nodded. “So the offer is you'll change my body to be like a Time Lord's?”
“Yes, we are.”
“If I agreed to this would I live as long as you or the Doctor?”
“Barring serious accidents or perhaps even illness, there is a very likely possibility you would at least live as long as the Doctor,” Romana answered. “I do not include myself because I am much younger than the Doctor and I have not gone through as many of my regenerations as he has his.”
“You said the Doctor is on his tenth regeneration right? If he's on his tenth how long could he live with each of his remaining regenerations barring him getting hurt?”
“Barring any need for regeneration caused by serious injury, the Doctor would probably have at the very least five hundred years left to him.”
Rose's eyes widened, “Five hundred years! I could live for five hundred years?”
Romana nodded, “It is possible you could live for five hundred years. But you must understand, Rose, it is as I told the Doctor that in the entirety of Time Lord history this is unprecedented. It may not be possible to predict what your life would be like or how long you could live.”
“Before I say yes to this, I have two other questions I want to ask you.”
“Before I say yes to this, I have two other questions I want to ask you.”
“Of course ask them and I'll answer them if I can.”
“You said my body will resemble a Time Lord's so does that mean I would have a second heart?”
Rose digested this information a moment before moving on to the next question. “Will I regenerate like you or the Doctor do?”
“Again this is unprecedented so I cannot say for certain that you would regenerate as we do meaning I do not know if your physical appearance would change as ours do but I believe it is likely you would experience a biological process similar to our own if your survival were to depend upon it.” Romana waited for Rose to pose her next question but only silence followed. “Are there any other questions you wish to ask me?”
Rose dipped her head as an affirmative but she didn't ask what was on her mind. Instead she dropped her gaze to where her hands played nervously with her shirttail and she watched them while she worked up the courage to ask her question.”Yeah there is one more thing I wanted to ask you.”
Romana saw her nervousness and laying a hand on Rose's knee she said, “Please take your time.”
Sometime passed before Rose began speaking. “See I want to know if I were to agree to you changing my body, what I want to know will it still be possible to have another. . . to have any children with him?”
“I truthfully do not know. It is not unprecedented for a Time Lord and a human to reproduce together, but it is very rare for it to be a success because of the biological differences between us our races.”
“But you said my physiology would be like yours after you've changed me. Shouldn't that make it easier for us to have a child together?”
“Rose, you must understand that what we're offering is an extreme change to your body. Such a change maybe an aid or a hindrance if you decide to have any children together.” When Rose didn't say anything else she added, “You don't have to give an answer right now.”
How long are you going to stay with me?
The words echoed in her mind as she considered what the Time Lords were offering her, offering them. When the Doctor had asked her that question she had naively said the word FOREVER to the Doctor, believing their time together could never end and certainly it would not end so shortly after leaving that planet. A series of events no one not even the Doctor could not have stopped had happened and she had found herself stranded in the parallel universe with her mum, Mickey, and her dad's double.
But that was over three years ago, the Time Lords had returned and she was being offered her forever with her Doctor again. Rose knew she would have to accept their offer to change her body to be like a Time Lord's body if she did indeed still want that forever with the Doctor.
And she did want forever with him more than anything in the universe with the exception of perhaps one thing.
Rose lifted her eyes and looked into Romana's. “I accept your offer.”
“Rose, I meant what I said. We will give you time to consider this decision.”
“I want to give him forever, Romana, and I can't give him forever as along as I have a human body that'll eventually wither and die before his eyes,” Rose said, blinking away tears. “I couldn't bear to hurt him like that, not when I have the chance to keep that from ever happening.” Now she touched the Time Lady. “Please, I want to accept the offer.”
“Very well, Rose Tyler, you shall soon be one of us.”
Foot Note: There's a very GOOD chance there will be at least one more ficlet in this series as I have an idea or two I'd like to explore so keep your fingers crossed the muse will not leave me until all the stories I want to tell in this series are written out.