I'm exhausted. Me and James didn't get to sleep 'till 5 last night and I was woken up by his dog at 10. Stupid animal...
I went on the train for the first time on my own on friday to get to James', I was stupidly completely petrified to start with - I was paranoid I'm going to be attacked by a paedophile (however, mum assured me that I'm too old for paedophiles, now I'm a target for just your usual rapists). But I survived (obviously), despite having to wait at the station for 1 3/4 hours because of a change. Meh to the rail system and the ticket inspector who laughed at my railcard photo.
I've suddenly gotten back into reading which is great especially in preparation to this school year (I'm determined to get the Literature prize again this year). But I've spent £20 on *3* books this week; I remember when you could buy 2 paperbacks for £10, now it often costs &7.99 for 1. T'is rediculous. Anyway, I bought The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith and for easy reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. I haven't even finished Sophie's World yet, however, I am enjoying it alot - it's quite taxing but rewarding none-the-less.
Went to see The Island yesterday as well. I liked it,the idea and message were really interesting but the plot itself was slightly predictable but yey for the pretty. Totally girlcrushing on Scarlett again.
I've also come to the conclusion that the entire iconning world is on crack but whatever. They're 100x100 squares and really not worth stressing over. However, that said, I do lurve this icon.
P.S This song is on by coincidence honestly not that it's a problem because it's pretty.
P.P.S Dolly mixtures = love