wow, for some reason i am in an incredibly good mood now. lets see, my last entry was me ranting... basically, heres how it went down:
-saturday- me and sam had bring em out dance parties in her basement, went to the mills with a bunch of people, and i fell asleep early.
-sunday- woke up late, we went to the hospital to see sams newborn triplet cousins, they were so amazingly cute. then over to ross park mall, then i came home and did some stuff.
-monday- school. i went somewhere but i dont remember where.
-tuesday- school. i went to the mills to look for shoes, but was disappointed.
-wednesday- school, then famous footwear/joann fabrics. i love it there. then home, my mother made me help her make pies? some phone calls. emily picked me up, we went to panera and met up with lex rachel george and john for dinner, even though most of them didnt eat. me and em went to the movies to see RENT. as we sat down we realized we were in front of aly and kiki- we cant escape them, its not even a joke. but the movie, oh my lord. even if youre not obsessed like the two of us, see it. you will NOT be disappointed. it is now on my top 5 movie list. me and em came back here, went on the computer, watched 3 hours worth of oc. she fell asleep, i watched disney channel- we're cool.
-today- we woke up and like 2 seconds later emilys dad came. that was half an hour ago, and now im bored. sorrry, but i dont like thanksgiving. i like to eat, but the rest of the day just seems like a waste. tomorrow will be better.
Who have you been friends with the longest? rachel... emily, alexa
How many are people you see regularly? all
How many are relatives? none
How many are coworkers? i do not work
How many have you had a crush on? i dont swing that way
How many have you kissed? ...
Do You...
Drink? no
Cuss? sometimes
Have any piercings? ears
Have any tattoos? no
Kiss on the first date? not particularly
Have a crush on someone? my boyfriend
Fantasize about him naked? sorry, no
Believe in yourself? occasionally
Believe in love at first sight? yes
Have momentos from your exboyfriends? some of them
Speak any second languages? learning french i guess
Have any secrets? obviously
Pray? yeah
Go to church? synagogue
Sleep with a stuffed animal? not really
Look your age? maybe a little older, but im short
Like your voice? talking=no, singing=sometimes
Have a black belt? uh no
Cry when you watch movies? yeah, even if theyre not sad
Wish on stars? from time to time
Believe in fairies? only tinkerbell
Have a diary? i hate to admit it but yes
Own an iPod? had one, lost it, buying myself a new one soon
Own a digital camera? yeah, but its crap- getting a new one for hanukkah
Get motion sickness? only if my moms driving
Get seasick? i dont think so
Like scary movies? i love them but most are too gory for me
Enjoy thunderstorms? the rain, not the rest
Have You Ever...
Gotten drunk? no
Smoked? no
Been pressured to smoke? no
Done drugs? no
Been pressured to do drugs? no
Gone to a strip club? no
Watched porn? no
Skipped school? faked sick
Cheated on a test? only for stupid teachers
Been a cheerleader? for one week when my aunt forced me, i was like 5
Stolen anything? not that i remember
Been Ding-Dong-Door-Ditching? sadly yes
Been Toilet-Papering? no
Gambled? not seriously
Played Spin-The-Bottle? haha, CDC drama hut...
Played strip poker? um no
Gone skinny dipping? no
Lied to your parents? yeah
Hid things from your parents? yeah
Snuck out of the house? no
Had someone try to steal your boyfriend? not in a really big way, but its been suggested
Made out in public? not that i remember
Got into trouble for it? no
Kissed someone of the same sex? no- sam you said yes, i think it was an accident
Kissed more than one person in a day? no
Been to Planned Parenthood? no
Had a crush on a coworker? no
Had a crush on a teacher/professor? just once, and it wasnt a crush- more like an admiration
Had a rumor spread about you? yeah
Spread a rumor about someone? i dont think so
Gotten into a car accident? more than once
Broken a bone? no
Had a serious injury? wow like 3 times, that sucks
Been to a bonfire? bonfires=life
Played Ouija board? no but i want to
Had a dream that came true? yeah
Had a reoccurring dream? yeah
Picky, Picky!
Brunettes or Blondes? brunettes
Single or Group Dates? group
Lust or Love? love
Hugs or Kisses? kisses
Cuddling or Making Out? cuddling
Freaking or Slow Dancing? slow
Lace or Satin? satin
Sunrises or Sunsets? sunsets
Summer or Winter? summer, but i love snow more than life
Rollercoasters or Waterslides? rollercoasters
Black or White? black
Gold or Silver? silver
That's Amore!
How many relationships have you had? actual relationships, about 4
How many of them were serious? one and a half
Shortest relationship? out of those, about 2 months
Longest relationship? almost 7 months
How many times have you been in love? one and a half
Ever been given a flower? yes
Ever been given a love letter? yes
Ever been given a ring? yes, not a serious one but a ring nonetheless
Were any promise rings? i dont know if youd consider it that
Were any engagement rings? no
Ever been proposed to? not seriously
Dated more than one person at a time? never
Ever cheat? never
Ever been cheated on? no
Broken any hearts? possibly
Who was your high school sweetheart? in highschool
Hardest breakup? one comes to mind
Why? messy
Worst thing you've ever done? not sure
Worst thing ever done to you? rumors/drama/gossip
Any regrets? more than a few
Family... Gotta Love 'Em!
Are you close to your family? sometimes
Do you get along with your parents? sometimes
What do you and your parents fight about? everything
Mommy's or Daddy's Girl? daddys girl, biggest one youll ever meet
Youngest or oldest child? only
Do you get along with your sibling(s)? -
Who's your Godfather? i have 2- my dads friends
Who's your Godmother? aunt
Best times? christmastime
Worst times? fights
Are your grandparents still alive? 2/4
Song that reminds you of your family? none
Song that reminds you of your childhood? none
Friends Forever
Who is your best friend? laura sam dev alexa cara brittla
First best friend? rachel
Ever had a friend your age die? no, thatd be horrible
Ever had a friend murdered? no
Ever had a friend commit suicide? no
Ever had a friend betray you? yes
How? dont go there
Ever betray a friend? in a sense
How? not gonna go there
Ever had a friend with a crush on you? yeah
Ever had a crush on a friend? yeah
Two Names You Go By
1. tory
2. towo
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. czech
2. polish
Two Things That Scare You
1. murderer- sounds stupid, but it haunts me no joke
2. heights
Two Everyday Essentials
1. music
2. friends
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. sweatpants
2. t-shirt
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (as of now)
1. FOB
2. motion city soundtrack
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. stability- have this
2. making my day worth it- have this
Two Truths
1. most of the time i would rather be by myself
2. i never stand up for myself
Two things You Hate
1. friends who are two-faced
2. the fact that theres only one HP book left, haha
Two things that appeal to you in the opposite sex
1. being sweet- not like "sweet", you know what i mean
2. humor
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. being with my friends, out or at home
2. music/movies
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. to find my ipod/wallet
2. to look like what i want to look like
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. paris/italy
2. stone harbor
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. do something thats worth it
2. find complete and total happiness
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1. clothes and chocolate are my weaknesses
2. i cry more easily than i should
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. sometimes im mad/upset when i act like im perfectly fine
2. im not happy with myself a lot
wow, that last question definitely wasnt the way to end it... peace.