Hi everyone! So with the upcoming release of City Of Glass, I figured we would need a place to discuss everything, and I know that I'm planning on writing what will probably end up being three pages on the subject! THERE IS SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT. I managed to get ahold of the book a few days early, and just finished it, and let me tell you, you
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I finished the book around 3 this morning. I got my sisters copy, she had to work so it was all good for me. Anyways I must say this book can not be put into words. It was to fabulous. Truly one of the top 5 I've ever read.
My take on the character.
Jocelyn - Finally we get more of her. I love that she got a piece of what Clary was feeling, Hurt and devastation. When they finally kissed and made up I was all for it, because it was done the right way. No forcage. She really loves Luke, awww.... This was so cute. I hope CC would have wrote out that she when she runs to catch up with him. It's defiantly fan fiction time.
Luke - Can you get any sweeter? Really, he's already a father to Clary. Always so loving, and protecting. His story is totally sad and I'm really glad he got his happy ending.
Amatis - She was so messed up by Valentine. I felt really bad for her. She lost her husband, her brother, and her place in Valentines beloved circle. No great loss there, but still. She was totally alone. I hoped she’d find some happiness.
Max - I liked the little man. He didn’t have to be killed, but I guess it was good for dramatic affect. I kept think OMG he killed Isabelle. I kept waiting for Alec to die. I’m sorry I’m so into spoiler. That’s what I get for reading them.
Alec - He perked up. I really liked him in this book. Finally he acknowledges his relationship with Magnus. It’s about time. The kiss was so totally out of the blue, but what a wonderful surprise.
Magnus - Oh my man, I love you. He is to funny. When he freezes Sebastian, I literally had to hold my stomach. It was like 1 in the morning and I couldn’t stop laughing. Funny my parents didn’t have a fit. Anyways he had some great lines.
Maia - Even though I’m not at all a big fan of hers I do adore her t-shirt logos. They would make some kick ass icons. Which I so am totally going to make once I’m done typing this.
Aline - She also falls into the shit category. I don’t like her. She’s so ignorant, and annoying. If someone is trying to help you, you go with them, you don’t run the other way. Plus the open flirtation she was giving Jace wasn’t working for me. If I were Clary, I would have tore her eyes out.
Isabelle - You are such a trip. At first she annoyed me. Why would she want to keep C&J apart. I just wanted to pull her hair which Clary should have done. That’s another thing no cat fights. I enjoy a good cat fight. Her sudden realization in her grieving state that Simon was the only distraction for her. Loved it. When she tried to put Clary down for loving Jace, that was a protective sister moment, but uncalled for. I get what she was feeling, but she was grieving and Clary was the best target. I’m glad Simon stepped in and set her straight. --- When she ripped off Sebastian’s hand with chain, I so knew that moment was coming. Where can I get one of those chains? Towards the end she’s so happy that everything worked out for the better, as she should be. At the little fireworks display every time they would mention Maia and Simon huddled in a corner, I would say Isabelle she’s winning. Where are you?
Valentine - I’ve got no nice words to say about him. He was once of my least favorite characters. I’m glad he got what he had coming to him. No one should torture there children like that, let alone people he claims as friends or family.
Sebastian - Grr… I knew something was off. He was to cool headed and charming. He could even surpass Jaces sarcasm with his cool vibes, as if it could touch him. The scenes between S&C were o.k. up until the part were he actually thought there could be something more. And I must say if you knew Clary was your sister and you kissed her eww….. What is wrong with you? Are you mentally retarded? What am I saying of course he is. The fact that he took pleasure in it, makes me cringe. I’m so glad he died.
Clary - I think she was more sure of herself in this book. Sure she had her down moments, but over all I think she came out on top. If it weren’t for her loads of Shadowhunters would be dead. Her rune was pure genius. When she overhears her mother and Amatis discussing Luke was one of my favorite scenes. Her line, “If you don’t go after Luke,..…I, personally, will kill you.” lol… She is so on Lukes side.
Jace - At the beginning I believed he really was trying to stay away from Clary, but once she got to Idris it took a lot to restrain him from seeing her. It’s like something that was mix in their blood was pulling them together. At one point the just stopped fighting it, and took all the responsibility on himself. My heart ached for him when he over hear Sebastian and Valentine in the cave. He was confused, and a little jealous. Why wouldn’t he be. He felt used, like he was a substitution for the real thing. The end scen between Sebastion and Jace was golden. Jaces last thoughts, “I guess we got the same birthday present, big brother,…didn’t we?
And now for the take on all Jace and Clary scenes.
Scene 2 - She admits she was out with Sebastian, and you so know Jace is jealous. Throwing the dishes. What a wonderful thing. When your upset throw a dish. It is very satisfying, but afterwards you have one big mess to clean up. She let everything build up till the last straw being Simon thrown in jail just pushed her off the edge. Jace pinned her against the counter, my thoughts were thank you god it’s beginning. All this built up tension. Release it!
Scene 3 - Wayland manner, was all doom and gloom. Very decryptic and empty except for the creepy angel guy that’s chained to wall through a secret passage way. I was disturbed with the vision. Once the killed himself and C&J jumped out the window, oh yeah here it comes. Almost lovers… “You should probably tell me not to do this.“ Clary’s relpy, “No I won’t.“ We don’t blame you girl go for it. And she did. Clary’s pretty fast. She had his shirt off before the first kiss ended, but as all their scenes like this are short and sweet. Clary stops because she thinks he’s only into it because he’s got demon blood in him. What a crock!
Scene 4 - Clary gets manhandled by Sebastian when Jace steps in and tells him how it’s going to be. Then the whole fight scene. Jace thrown into the wall, Clary stepping in and attack defending Jace. So much drama.
Scene 5 - Bedroom scene… O.k. I had a kind of duh moment like I read this type of scene before, and I realized it almost like lolz_losers fan fiction. Props to you for tagging it before it happened. It was sweet, and I you know it would be the last night on earth type of thing and they go at it like monkeys but that didn’t happen. I’m so glad. It would have been a thumbs up for the J&C fans, but you still have that whole incest thing lurking around. Plus I never thought of them as sibs. I knew it just couldn’t be.
Scene 6 - Lake Lyn, where Clary makes her wish to the god to bring Jace back to life. We love you Cassandra. This was the best part of the book for me. I love the depth of feeling she put into this scene. Like everything in the world could go to hell, but as long as she has Jace it wouldn’t matter. That’s true love.
Scene 7 - Festivities‘, I liked these scenes.. The banter about the drinks, and Simon manning up and putting his differences aside for J&C’s relationship. Clary telling Jace about the conversation between her and the Queen. She has everything she could possibly want. The cuddling. I’m completely satisfied with this series.
I can’t wait for her next book. Sorry for the long winded speech. It seems LJ can only hold so much.
It was a trip when they slept together, cos I was definitly like...waiiit a second! LOL!
It's just such a cute idea, I'm so glad that CC liked it as much as I did!
I'm gonna post my whole response now that I already put up in J/C.
here it comes!
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