The day off

Jul 17, 2012 01:06

Today I had a day off as I went to the office at 9:30 as usual, but it was closed... There are 3 or 4 companies behind this door yet there was nobody there today morning. I even started wondering if it's really Monday.
I sat on an outside chair, where I used to go on good weather days during lunch, and waited... Today I actually remembered I wanted to take a book meaning to read it during lunch. So I sat reading the book but half an hour passed and nobody came to open the door. I was starting to get a bit cold so with 'fuck it' in my mind I decided to go home.
Once there I started to feel awfully sleepy again, I emailed my employer about closed door and drifted off to sleep. when I like up for the second time hour later I got reply that I don't have to come today.
The thing is I wasn't even aware how much I needed this day off. I finished reading a CSS book I started to read on Thursday at work, I made an epic fruit salad, cooked proper lunch, took a nap, I really needed it. Last week, except for Monday, I felt like a ghost, sleepy tired from dunno what, barely alive. I took Saturday only for myself no going out anywhere not meeting anybody or contacting much, staying at home relaxing. But apparently it didn't help much as today again I felt totally dead. Hopefully tomorrow will be different. (But it's also gotten pretty late as I'm blogging now).
It's my 3rd week now, time sure flies by fast. mostly probably because I don't have much to go yet I come home quite late, even with Swedish epic length of days (sunlight until 11PM, now maybe 10). That makes me realize that office work like that is not too much fun, and I think I don't really wanna work like that, even thought I have quite good conditions here.
And also it's only 2 weeks left to enjoy my room, until I will have to move out. And one month until the exam I have to take... I'm scared of this one. But after that, my time in Sweden ends, I will have spent here a round year, got used to this other, better lifestyle, lesser people, bike routes // word limit
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