虎 Tora

May 22, 2010 04:00

(Wanted to write it on a paper, but then decided, who not LJ?)

Seriously, I should make some list of totally hot and awesome guys that I'm fangirling over at the time. Then I won't get lost when someone new appears and I could arrange him somewhere on the list. And for LJ there were these memes and such. Now I should really think about it! But, WTF, 90% of my list would make Japenese men?! At least 90%? And that's over the last... few months? That's crazy!

Today's victim if Tora from Alice Nine. Really today's. I finally checked who he is. I liked him since watching Rainbows PV a week ago. Which is a totally awesome song and video!

image Click to view

I watched some Alice Nine's videos earlier but only this one got my attention and then I started to dug in (bless yt). Then noticed others ain't bad too! But none (except Shunkashuu) isn't THAT great.

Coming back to Tora. Awwwww....

He is sooo fucking hot! Once again it proves that guitarists are the best part of the band! And he's quite tall as well! 182 cm it's quite much for a Japanese I think, although looking at some of the others, they aren't that short too. And ~180 cm is pretty much average here. so it's okay. And he's looking waaaay better than any guy here. Awwww *fangirl mode on*
His hair, his style, his SHOES! Gah. No matter what photo look at, he's awesome. And he has/had 2 labret piercings! Which I love! He apparently took the middle one out and left the right one (which may be gone by now too). But anyway, even if he got them that makes him even more awesome! I DON'T HOLD THE FANLISTING FOR PIERCED MEN FOR NOTHING AFTER ALL!! Awww~

And he had pink and violet hair too! Hopefully not entire had, but just sides! I really want my pink back! And good thing is, he never really (I never saw it) dyed all of his hair. Just some parts. Black hair FTW!

Today I've downloaded 399 photos of Alice Nine. And I can say that pictures of Tora make *at least* half of it! I grabbed a lot from their blogs, but then again, I scooped a facebook group/page and there were over 400 pics, and I've taken quite a lot o them!

And he's got a fanlisting! Which I obviously joined!

One thing makes me wonder actually. All the pretty boys went to the music industry, and there's not much left for movies? XD I've seen some Japenese dramas lately, and I'd say they could try better at finding actors for them. It's all about the hair!!! Hahaha, yeah, really, buys with longer hair always look better! Yet those with short look typical plain boring Japanese. Mostly! I mean, at the very least they aren't looking that interesting.



Srsly, he's walking sex!

Even though he's 27. How come Japanese musicians never look old?! (NO, I don't think 27 is old, not much XD 30 is the border XD)

♥ ♥ ♥

lolwut, extreme case?, picspam!!!!, j-rock stole my heart, alice nine, calm the fuck down, fangirlism

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