AFI show review (dangerous dose of awesomeness)

Apr 22, 2010 14:09

Yesterday was the Day. The day of AFI concert in Poland. That itself made this day awesome. Although, as it turned out later wasn't as awesome as expected.

We left our city at 11:30 to arrive in Warsaw at 14:30, so we've been there quite early, as the concert started at 20. I heard they were supposed to let us in at 18, but apparently I understood wrong and in fact it was 19, so additional one hour of standing in the cold. Was it worth it? Hell yeah! We've been at the beginning of the line (within first 7 meters, I guess).

The first surprise was - there is a merchandise stand, but where the fuck they sell CDs?! It looks like they didn't. I hoped to buy it there, and that maybe there they will be cheaper as in the shop. The t-shirts were quite lame too. There was one pretty decent but not for such a price! Later I noticed a bag (it wasn't there at the beginning), and I was hoping to buy it, not that expensive after all, I like such bags, and after my mother lost my beloved I Am Ghost bag I wanted that one. I hoped to buy it after concert, and I fucking didn't even get the chance. I really liked that bag and it almost makes me cry I didn't buy it. Of course I can order it from AFI online shop, but it's not the same as buying it myself! T . T

Anyway, when we were finally let in to the main room with the stage we were in a 4th row, I think, so quite close. Maybe it wasn't 1st row i hoped for but it was okay... for some time.

I won't comment much on the support. It was a Polish band, they were rather stiff, music was even okay, although I didn't enjoy it much, as most people. After each song they played the crowd was like "You're not playing that bad, but go already, we will enjoy a lot more if you're not there", and that was my approach too.

And so, they finished. AFI techs came to prepare the stage, change the background, uncover all what was covered, put the silvery stands next to the edge of the stage, etc. Seeing it all I told my friend that Davey will appear in a same silvery jacket to match the scenery...

...and he did! I was like "I fucking told you and you didn't believe!".

Our plan was to call them by singing Miseria Centare which is an absolutely brilliant intro song from Sing the Sorrow album, which lately became my favorite. There were a few failed tries, but when we finally started at good time the music started playing, Davey and the rest run to the stage and immediately Medicate began. Oh my poor camera, I didn't know if it will survive. The crowd went totally CRAZY (so unexpected? not at all.) And right after that, without any break, almost, the next song was Girl's Not Grey (unless I messed up the order). I hopefully managed to put the camera in the bag and could fully enjoy the song and fight for survival inside this crazy mass of people. I think the next song was The Leaving Song pt. II and crowd went even crazier than before! I think that's when we were pushed even further from the stage and eventually decided to stand in a bit calmer place.

And then I lost count on the songs. Let alone, I didn't remember all the titles, of course I knew all the songs, but I didn't remember the titles, so I won't be able to create the setlist from memory.

Overall the concert was awesome. We heard twice, from Davey, that we are a "fucking amazing crowd, best in Europe". I won't deny. I noticed it myself that, in fact, Polish have something other wealthy nations lack, and that's the passion. From my observations others are quite dull, if we want something we will get it eventually! We know how to throw a good party, how to welcome a foreign band, how to prepare everything. That's a fact. Whether it's a funeral or a party or other celebration, lol.

Anywho, I'm constantly drifting off the subject. The concert was so amazing that it seemed like it lasted 15 minutes not 2 hours. When they played the last song I couldn't believe it's the end already! It was all like a blink of an eye! And now it seems so surreal. Did it really happen? Or was it a dream? The ticket says it wasn't, Adam's signature on it proves it even more.

After 10 minutes (less?) of calling band back to the stage, we gave up and decided to go outside (without jackets!) and catch the band if they wend already to the bus. Sadly, it turned out later that they played 2 more songs, while we waited for them in the cold. Eh. I don't regret it that much though... I preferred to wait for them just in case.

The problem appeared later. Our car didn't want to start. My friend whom I was waiting with had to go to her boyfriend and help him start it. Most likely it happened so because of how long it was standing in the cold, but the temperature wasn't that low for fuck's sake! We waited enough to get autograph from the drummer - Adam, take a photo with him, and then I was alone waiting there (with a lot of other people I didn't know, why there were so many?! Damn kids, well, not only kids, but kids too). I could wait only a few minutes more before I got a call that I have to give up 'cause it's likely that the car won't start again if the engine stops, so I had to get in now and were going back. FUCK! Damn cars! If only I had anyone to wait there with me, anyone who's not from Warsaw, but from my city, I would really wait for a train. Actually comparing 3 hours in a car vs. 1 hour in a train there is quite a huge difference, but in car the you can take more things and leave them there...

Oh how I smiled then, so near the cherished ones.
I knew they would appear, saw not a single one.
Oh how I smiled then, waiting so patiently.
I'd make a wish and bleed.

While I waited there, I was wasting away
While I waited there, I was wasting away

Hope was wasting away.
Faith was wasting away.
I was wasting away.

I never, never wanted this.
I always wanted to believe.
Never never wanted this.
I could not help because.

AFI - The Great Disappointment [fragments]

Now I'm so fucking disappointed I didn't get that bag, and that I waited there for nothing, first that they went to the stage again, and then that I waited just to be told I had to give it up. But I also heard, don't know how much truth is there in it, that Jade didn't go outside then. It makes me suffer a bit less 'cause I wanted to meet him the most. He's so damn amazing. Well, it's part of my guitarists fetish that I worship almost every guitarist of the bands I know. It doesn't change the fact that he's awesome and now he's in my Top 10 Guitarits.
Davey was awesome too. His style, and all. Well, I just didn't like his hair and beard. His look from decemberunderground was a lot better. Jade however still 's got awesome hair <3
As for Hunter, I saw him a few times during the concert as they were changing places, but that's all. I wasn't even really looking at him. But he's got an awesome name.

What is left not is hoping they will come here once again after experiencing how amazing Polish crowd is and that next time it will go better than this time. I hope they will come back. And I think I will order that bag after all, they should have some better tees there too ;) All I can think of now is AFI, and all I want to listen too is them. It's fine, it's perfectly fine. I liked them before, I love them now :D

Miseria Cantare

Love your hate, your faith lost
You are now one of us
Love your hate, your faith lost
You are now one of us

Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all
Radiate, recognize one silent call
As we all form one dark flame... Incinerate

Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all
Radiate, recognize one silent call
As we all form one dark flame
As we all form one dark flame
As we all...

Love your hate, your faith lost
You are now one of us
Love your hate, your faith lost
You are now one, one of us

concert, music is my boyfriend, !almost-review, calm the fuck down, own little world, omg i'm dyyyyyyiiiiing~, oh shit

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