Fuck it.

Jan 02, 2010 19:06

It's just not worth trying.

As my wallpaper used to say, long time ago.

I've just got enough of all this. Today I wanted to go to the gym, watch some anime, practice the guitar (and find the next song I wanna learn) and read a bit about electric circuits, maybe even study maths. I still have time. It's only 6:30 PM, Saturday. Ah, and German, vocabulary to be exact, I have to memorize it.
Well, I went to the gym, watched half of the anime I wanted to watch (busy doing other less important things >.>), was about to play the guitar or getting my EC notebook from the shelf when my mother came in asking why I'm not playing. And just a while ago I had to stop writing this to listen her lecture about how she's paying for all my extra activities like guitar and German and I'm doing nothing. I'm tired of this shit. It's 3252163425th me having listen to it.

I wrote in my new year's resolutions that I will play the guitar more often. And I intent to, but with my mother bitching about it it becomes the last thing I wanna do at the moment. It's so irritating. I with I could move out with my guitars, with my computer and other stuff, so she would fuck off.


And it's 7 PM now. Damn. I... don't know what to do. I want to play, a bit, but the way my mother wouldn't hear it, that could be after 10 with my headphones on, but that's kinda late and I'm afraid it won't help much then. I think German goes first, I have translator on the iPod hope it works okay, so I won't need to come close to the PC; then go circuits, bath and guitar.

I'm still so apathetic and annoyed that I don;t know if I will be able to do anything. !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*


BTW, something's wrong with filling tags in my Firefox, auto-filling doesn't work, gah, it was s useful!

yay! i'm playing the guitar! not!, to hell with that, !@#$%, calm the fuck down, meet my mother, fuck this shit, gtfo

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