Baking Christmas cookies

Dec 24, 2009 02:19

I spent almost entire day yesterday with my friend. Whoo! What a great day!

I left around 10:30 AM and same home a few minutes before 11 PM. She lives in a another city, btw, it's an over-one-hour-ride from me, by tram.

She came to pick me up from the tram (I don't remember at which stop I should leave ^^;) with her dog, so then we went for a little walk with her dog. Ha! And she let me hold the leash on the way home XD I really like big dogs (hers is German Shepherd), but I'm way more in love with her wonderful black cat <333

Then she had to go to the post office because she wanted to post Christmas card. Damn, we were standing in line for 20 minutes or so =.= Hopefully we didn't have to walk there since her boyfriend agreed to drive us there and back home.

So we arrived home for the second time, drank second tea, watched Good Luck Chuck. What a hilarious movie XDDD Seriously. And the main female character. Penguin-geek. OMG, all these cute penguins <33333 Yeah, I love penguins. And I love red pandas *___________*

Then I though Hey! Let's bake cookies! And so we did. Hopefully Kasia had all the ingredients, and what's most important - the receipt. To get one thing clear: me + kitchen = disaster. I AM NOT MAKING ANYTHING ON MY OWN! I just can't. It's not safe, believe me. But making cookies was fun. She made me into kneading the pastry. Damn. Butter, sugar, eeek! egg, all on my hands. Umm... gross. But that was fun anyway. Later. The best part was cutting the shapes and actual baking. The cookies were supposed to be ready after 6 mins i 150 C, yeah... The needed 20 mins. But they're yummy!I took quite a lot back home with me.

Pic 1 - Pic 2

fSadly I missed 2 or 3 batched of cookies (in the process of baking) 'cause her boyfriend was bored so we played Guitar Hero: World Tour. Haha! I won several times! But that's only thanks to the fact I was playing on medium and he was playing in hard or expert. But anyway, I'm happy :3 I really didn't want to leave. Best before-Christmas day ever :3


BTW, my Threadless tees from the last entry arrived <33 Yet, I'm still waiting for the previous order... I hope I will get it.

And now, now I should go to sleep or do something of what I planned. It's 2 AM already. I wanted to watch Darker Than Black 2 anime or play the guitar a bit... Too late for the latter now, I guess. I just don't feel like playing. AGAIN. GODDAMNIT! I don't really want to neglect my poor guitar so much...

yay! i'm playing the guitar! not!, threadless, life doesn't always suck, christmas, own little world, guitar hero ftw!, wasting time

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