Fandom Meme: Answers (Part 1)

Oct 31, 2009 21:23

Progress: 3/5
Fandoms in this post: DEVIL MAY CRY, BLEACH, DEATH NOTE.

Devil May Cry

Asked by yoursuperbeast and nerosredqueen .

1. The first character I fell in love with: Dante.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Vergil.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Lady.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Patty? Maybe not love but like, yes, I like her.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Dante?
6. The character I'd want to be like: Trish.
7. The character I'd slap: Arkham/Jester, Agnus (the same voice actor actually XD).
8. A pairing that I love: Vergil x Nero.
9. A pairing that I despise: Dante x Lady.
10. Favorite character: Vergil.
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom.
- sexy white-haired men,
- outfits (shirtless/coatless Dante, mwah),
- some absolutely amazing fics,
- used-to-be high age average,
- fanarts [not all of course].
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom.
- fantards (much lower age average than earlier),
- lack of doujinshi scanlastions,
- out of character Nero in fics,
- lack of Vergil in the anime,
- most female characters (I like/tolerate only Trish).
13. Who are my five favorite characters.
Vergil, Dante, Nero, Trish, Cerberus.
14. Who are my five least favorite characters.
Kyrie, Lady, Arkham, Sanctus, Agnus.
15. What are my five favorite moments.
- the end of Dante vs. Vergil battle in DMC3 mission 7 (Vergil without spiked hair!) [I know, I know, everyone loves it]
- the end of Dante vs. Vergil battle in DMC3 mission 20
- Nero’s Buster on Echidna when she flies over the field + the end of the battle (haha, yeeaaah XD I couldn’t focus on the mission because of Nero, well ^^;)
- Nero vs. Dante and the very beginning of DMC4
- in DMC4 Dante talking with Trish in cutscene where Credo dies:
Trish: I'll sweep the cite and evacuate the people.
Dante: Hey! Is it your was of ditching and dumping this mess on-
Trish: You wanna switch?
Dante: It's cool. Let's stick to the plan.
16. What are my five least favorite moments.
- MWARRGH, battle against Arkham in DMC3 mission 19
- fight against Vergil in DMC3 mission 13 [I so HATE it, it took me at least 30 tries at Very Hard mode and DMD]
- mission inside Leviathan, gross!
- Lady leeching on Dante’s money in anime
- fights against Phantom in DMC1.
17. Which character are you most like.
Lady? O_o
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret.
Threesome FTW! (Is it even a secret? O_o)


Asked by dhuaine .

1. The first character I fell in love with: Ichigo?
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Ulquiorra.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Ishida Uryuu.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Ichimaru Gin maybe? But people do like him.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Grimmjow! He’s the sex god, really.
6. The character I'd want to be like: Halibel, lol.
7. The character I'd slap: Renji.
8. A pairing that I love: Grimmjow x Ichigo, Grimmjow x Ulquiorra AR.
9. A pairing that I despise: Ichigo x Uryuu.
10. Favorite character: Ulquiorra.
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom.
- humor!
- music!
- awesome manga,
- easy to get merch, bookmarks, posters, etc.
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom.
- fillers -.-
- one episode per week,
- slow action progress in anime, meaning, not much changes during an episode,
- extreme stupidity in episodes with Don Kanonji,
- most of the fics is crap.
13. Who are my five favorite characters.
Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Ichigo, Byakuya, Gin.
14. Who are my five least favorite characters.
Uryuu, Chad, Hinamori, Tousen, Omaeda.
15. What are my five favorite moments.
- the epic final fight Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra in chapters 346-351 !!!
- the epic final fight Ichigo vs. Grimmjow in episodes 165-167 (anime) / volume 32 (manga)
- Soul Society in past arc
- Orihime bitchslapping Ulquiorra!
- “Don Panini” part (not the fight and Dordoni himself, but the part when Ichigo doesn’t remember his real name XD)
(I get the feeling I forgot about something important here)
16. What are my five least favorite moments.
- Don Kanonji episodes
- saving the princess, jeeeez =.=
- Nel talking
- Uryuu vs. Cirucci battle
- Tousen cutting off Grimmjows arm >.<
17. Which character are you most like.
Lisa? Yeah, probably, but I’m not that much straightforward.
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret.
I actually really like Ichigo, he looks kinda sexy ^^;;;;

Death Note
Asked by dhuaine.

1. The first character I fell in love with: Light.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: L and Mello.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Misa.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: n/a
5. The character I would shag anytime: Matt, haha.
6. The character I'd want to be like: Wedy?
7. The character I'd slap: Near.
8. A pairing that I love: Light x Takada (anime only, no fanfiction read)
9. A pairing that I despise: Light x Misa (same as above)
10. Favorite character: Light.
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom.
- mindblowing art,
- easy to get merch, bookmarks, posters, etc.
- character designs,
- complicated but quite easy-to-understand plot,
- one of very few series where I like female characters.
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom.
- too popular = too many fangirls/fantards,
- low age average, resulting in the fantards,
- epic fail-ish cosplays,
- “if I had a Death Note” talks,
- n/a
13. Who are my five favorite characters.
Light, L, Ryuk, Wedy, Watari.
14. Who are my five least favorite characters.
Near, Soichiro, Misa, Rem, Higuchi.
15. What are my five favorite moments.
- the scene at the rooftop L and Light, just before L’s death, in anime
- Light’s death in anime (haven’t seen manga version)
- Light vs. L fistfight
- Light kissing Misa to shut her up XD
- Light’s messages to L.
16. What are my five least favorite moments.
- Near & Mello arc!!!
- Light killing Raye Penber
- Wammy’s House receiving information about L’s death
- Near playing with his toys
- Near winning
17. Which character are you most like.
Ryuk maybe.
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret.
I’m not against Kira, I could be a supporter, even though I do not agree with all the killing, Light clearing his path to the success.

!meme, bleach, anime: death note, dmc

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