100 truths meme

Sep 19, 2009 18:14

Got tagged by dhuaine

001. Real name? Justine
002. Nickname(s)? - [stopped using]
003. Zodiac sign ? Scorpio.
004. Male or female ? Female.
005. Elementary ? eh? school? I miss it.
006. Middle School ? By the time I graduated I hated it.
007. High School ? Just graduated. I'm gonna miss my classmates a bit.
008. Hair color ? Red/ginger.
009. Long or short ? In the middle.
010. Loud or Quiet ? Depends, but rather quiet.
011. Sweats or Jeans ? Jeans.
012. Phone or Camera ? Phone.
013. Health freak ? Not really, just trying to lead healthy lifestyle.
014. Drink or Smoke? Only drink, with friends.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? No.
016. Eat or Drink? Eat.
017. Piercings? 4, ears only.
018. Tattoos? One.

019. Been in an airplane ? Yes.
020. Been in a car accident ? No.
021. Been in a fist fight ? No.

022. First piercing ? Just before middle school.
023. First best friend ? In primary school, I guess. But now we don't we don't talk much, different interests.
025. First award ? Primary school, spelling competition.
026. First crush ? n/a LOL (not counting the fictional characters, celebrities etc. that wasn't half serious)
028. First big vacation ? Big... Italy when I was 8. Before only Poland, nothing big.

029. Last person you talked to ? My mother.
030. Last person you texted ? dhuaine
031. Last person you watched a movie with ? O____o don't remember... Fast and Furious at cinema with my high school friend.
032. Last food you ate ? Rice with Knorr sauce.
033. Last movie you watched ? The Langoliers (1995).
034. Last song you listened to ? Yuuyake to Kodomo by heidi.
035. Last thing you bought ? Nivea facial wash gel.
036. Last person you hugged ? Kasia. From my course group.

037. Food ? Any form of pasta (spaghetti, penne, lasagna, etc.).
038. Drinks ? Red orange juice?
039. Clothing ? Jeans and tank top.
040. Book ? n/a
041. Music ? Currently j-rock.
042. Flower ? Roses, I guess.
043. Colors ? Black, red, white, grey.
044. Movies ? n/a
045. Shoes ? Sneakers and Chuck Taylor's
046. Subjects ? English (as foreign language).

047. [ ] kissed in the snow
048. [ ] celebrated Halloween
049. [ ] had your heart broken
050. [ ] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [ ] came out of the closet
053. [ ] gotten pregnant
054. [ ] had an abortion
055. [x] done something you've regretted
056. [ ] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [ ] pretended to be happy
059. [ ] met someone who changed your life
060. [ ] pretended to be sick
061. [x] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] cried over the silliest thing
064. [x] ran a mile [at the gym, huh?]
065. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend
066. [x] stay single the whole year [=.=]

067. Eating ? Nothing.
068. Drinking ? Water.
069. I'm about to ? Watch Wolf's Rain.
070. Listening to ? Yuuyake to Kodomo by heidi.
071. Plans for today/tomorrow ? Today: play Devil May Cry 4, practice playing the guitar, watch more Wolf's Rain. Tomorrow: go to the family lunch to my grandparents, study Maths and Physics and Japanese, watch Berserk.
072. Waiting for ? Next week's manga & anime convention.

073. Want kids? No! [ask me after 5 years]
074. Want to get married ? Not really.
075. Careers in mind ? Web designer / web developer.

076. Lips or eyes ? Eyes.
077. Shorter or taller ? Taller!
078. Romantic or spontaneous ? Definitely spontaneous.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms ? MUST. HAVE. BOTH. But not like too much muscles... Just avarage I'd say. Do I want too much?
080. Sensitive or loud ? Depends on the situation. But I'd rather say loud.
081. Hookup or relationship ? Hookup probably.
082. Troublemaker or hesitant ? Troublemaker.

083. Lost glasses/contacts ? Lost...? I've broken them ^^;;;
084. Ran away from home ? No.
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense ? No, LOL.
086. Killed somebody ? No XDDD
087. Broken someone's heart ? Probably?
088. Been arrested ? No.
089. Cried when someone died ? Yes.

090. Yourself ? Rather yes.
091. Miracles ? Rather yes.
092. Love at first sight ? No.
093. Heaven ? Yes.
094. Santa Claus ? No.
095. Sex on the first date ? Err... no, not in my case at least, others are free to do whatever the hell they want, I don't care.
096. Kiss on the first date ? Yes, why not?

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? No.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? Not really.
099. Do you believe in God ? Yes.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people and why ? Ain't gonna tag.


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