5 things meme again

Jul 14, 2009 00:50

So, I liked that meme, I liked it a lot. I gave dhuaine my words for her, but she hasn't completed it till now (well she finished a while after I finish my second one XD). I asked her what she associates with me and here we go again :D

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.


Neverending discussion about plotholes with dhuaine ^^; I am tolerant about plotholes. Definitely, I’m not a bookworm, I don’t like detective stories, mysteries which require investigation etc. etc. I’m kinda simple-minded and such things are boring for me. However from time I can read/watch something from that genre. I don’t care much about plotholes as long as I enjoy reading or watching. I admit Bleach has a whole lot of plotholes but I just ignore them. I enjoy watching this anime, I like characters, I love fights. Idea for plot is interesting, but it’s not exactly flawless. It’s far from flawless actually.
However there are some cases of plotholes which I will not tolerate, nasty and annoying plotholes like in Devil May Cry 2 novel.


Huh? Me? Sneering? *innocent*
Well, I do sneer. I am sarcastic and cynical, sometimes, which always upset my grandma. However I don’t think I’m particularly mean. I admit I have a tough personality and probably I could hurt more sensitive people with what I say. That’s why I have to be careful with some of my friends, and therefore I don’t feel like often contacting with them ‘cause I just feel strange... Hopefully I have friends who accept the way I am and it’s good enough x)
Two days later
I really do sneer and frown. And I’m constantly angry at something...

GeM - [link]

Yay! I can be his personal fangirl. Really XD. From what I remember I got to ‘know’ him when I looked from DMC3 videos, being often lost in missions or not knowing how to defeat the boss. He has absolutely amazing SS videos from DMC3 Very Hard and Dante Must Die levels with funny commentaries. Although people participating in True Style Tournaments (like Brea <3) have better fighting style, I love GeM’s videos. The commentaries rock!
Generally he seems to be an interesting person, who loves games, anime, etc. Gah, give me such a boyfriend XD. Too bad he’s from Germany x)

- dmc4 walkthrough & voice commentaries = epic win

56 parts, about 10 minutes each. DMC4 first walkthrough with voice commentary. AWESOME! I wouldn’t survive this walkthrough without commentary. The game itself is boring to watch and getting lost in the locations and not knowing what to do isn’t fun to watch. But GeM kept talking all the time, cursing, cursing in German. And when he got lost XD. LOL, that was a fucking lot of fun for me. He’s so funny when he’s angry which the gameplay XD.
I even began to watch his Prince of Persia walkthrough ‘cause of voice commentaries.

- Resident Evil 5

So, yeah, GeM now is playing RE5 and post his videos. Actually RE5 is currently on hiatus >_>. Only I wish he recorded it with voice. There was a RE5 demo played with Alexx where they were both talking. It would be perfect if only I could understand Alexx, gah, this man has something wrong with his mic or speak too quietly. Well, current gamplay is also with Alexx but the commentaries are added through youtube. I preferred the hardsubs on DMC3 videos…
Anyway, I wouldn’t check RE5 videos if it wasn't for him. Maybe I am a little interested in RE5 but sole gameplay or even speedruns aren’t very interesting for me ^^;

- Soilwork, Celldweller, etc.

There are a few bands I got to know thanks to GeM, either because he posted their song in some videos (What You Deserve by The Exies, and Own Little World by Celldweller) or I found the band’s name at hit YouTube profile (Soilwork). I love this bands now. During most of my DMC3 gameplay I listened to Soilwork. Recently I listened to Celldweller, I listened to them a lot. I’m gradually getting interested in industrial. And there were a few more songs I downloaded and liked a lot but I didn’t download full albums.

- Lucky Star

GeM’s favorite anime. Once he added at the end of one of his videos, I was like “wtf?! It looks like anime for 10-year-olds, huge eyes, pink and blue hair. Sometime later curiosity got the best of me. Well, if I liked the bands he does then I could probably like the anime. And, well, I did. Lucky Star is probably one of the weirdest and the most silly anime I’ve even watched it. Now thinking back, I really liked it. Konata is in “Top 5 anime characters ever”, definitely. So many situations presented there resembled me of real life situations I experienced. It’s just hilarious.

Rabid fangirl

Yup, I am. Sometimes. Maybe more often than sometimes. I tend to go all *squeeeee* for my currently favorite character. On the list of my ‘victims’ you can find Dante, Vergil, and Grimmjow, and several other characters like Nero whom I did fangirl but not that much. For a pretty long time I had obsession about Vergil, fanarts, fanfiction, game everything, I was all “gimme my Veeeeergiiiiiiil!”. Currently my obsession is Grimmjow. See for yourself:
(21:25) Justine: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(21:25) Justine: in a moment I'm gonna go watch 165-167 >_______>
(21:25) Dhuaine: elv XDDD [my nickname]
(21:25) Justine: XD
(21:26) Justine: can't help it....
(21:26) Dhuaine: you’ve gotta get hold of your fangirling :D
(21:26) Justine: not my fault Grimm causes uncontrolled explosions of fangirlism XD

Oh God, he’s so goddamn sexy >_> Dante too, and Vergil <33333 This is a chat that happened 3 or 4 days ago. I stumbled on some videos with fragments of final (I hope not) fight Ichigo vs. Grimmjow, I LOVE this fight, I watched it 3 times already, I’ll never get tired of watching it.
And recently my inner fangirl is beginning to be interested in Ulquiorra. He is so cute :3. Blame dhuaine for this opinion which I’ve taken from her... He’s already on my lj layout, on my cell wallpaper, on my desktop and in ff.net profile picture (same pic everywhere). He’s been my favorite character for some time, but he wasn’t the object on my fangirlish interest. Well, things change x)
I have a lot more to say than that, however I better end it here. Before I go too much fangirl mode ^^;

Spending unholy amounts of time watching stuff

Well, I don’t think I watch that much. Well, now maybe I do. Since I started to learn Japanese (in January/February 2009) I constantly watch some anime. Now that I counted I watched around 20 series (add to that OVAa and movies), most of them had around 25 episodes + 227 episodes of Bleach (170 episodes in 1.5 months).
I always liked watching movies. I guess I’ve watched around 140 movies, honestly, it isn’t that much, I know people who watched more than that a few years ago. Usually I download movies, but I also go to the cinema and buy my favorite ones. Unfortunately movies in Poland are expensive and I can’t afford buying anything. And when I go into media store I wanna buy half of the titles they have.

Basically, it’s like it was in Lucky Star (yes!). Kagami likes to read, she studies a lot etc. and Konata only reads manga, never books, even light novels. She always wait for the anime version ^^; Well, kinda the same here. When I have to choose between anime and manga I’ll get anime. But in case of books and movies - I want to read the book first and then watch the movie, comparing both versions, as movies usually are worse.

1 255 words. Last time I did this meme there were only 641 words, LOL. Congrats to whoever read this XD

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!meme, ...and i'm stupid, justine is playing, lolrotfllmao, fangirlism

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