History and Contact info!

Jul 09, 2016 11:41

Name/Nickname: sabriel
AIM/E-mail/Contact: eylei/sabriel@gmail.com
LJ: _sabriel

Canon Character and Series: Takeshi Yamamoto from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
In-Game Name: Takeshi Yamamoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: helmsman or boatswain - Fiertia

Yamamoto's a tall and somewhat lanky handsome young man of about 5'8", with short black hair that spikes up just a little bit at the top, brown eyes and lightly tanned skin from all that time he spends outdoors. He is rarely seen not smiling and has a laid-back air around him. He doesn't look it, but underneath the clothes he wears there's some solid muscles built up from years of hard work. But with hard work and his job there are also accidents and fights, and as such his body also has any number of old scars and half healed wounds, and his hands are heavily calloused.

Being a fighter by trade, Yamamoto prefers to wear loose, simple clothing that won't get in the way in a fight. And his custom shinai is almost always slung across his back in an odd, self-made sling of leather.

Takeshi is the boy next door, the one that was popular with with most of the kids in the neighbourhood AND the adults to boot. He's open, friendly, polite, smart and the most loyal friend you can find anywhere. All in all, Takeshi's just a genuinely nice guy that most people can't help but like with a natural charisma that as a kid made him the leader of any playgroup he joined in the neighbourhood. He likes to laugh, tease people, and most often then not you'll see him with a bright smile on his face. Takeshi's so easy going that insults pretty much slide off of him; he'll laugh it off and offer to buy you a drink, a meal. But as easy going as he is, he's very competitive and will go all out in a competition, sometimes to unnecessary lengths. Hurt his friends and family and he'll get angry.

He used to be a rather naive and oblivious boy (in some ways he still is), but several years on the road by himself has taught him a FEW things about life and the world around him. Most times than not however he'll still act completely oblivious as a sort of first, instinctive reaction to any situation. (Sometimes, in the deep dark pits of Takeshi's soul, he thinks it's a kind of fun way to tease people.) And Takeshi may be oblivious, but not stupid. It is to their own detriment that other people often underestimate him because of it.

Takeshi is naturally athletic and is an accomplished swordsman of the Shigure Souen style. Otherwise he's just a normal human with slightly better reflexes, senses and strength due to his sword training and a few years out on the road as a sword-for-hire. Yamamoto's a very fast learner (he learned the Shigure Souen after only seeing his father do them once), and with his fast reflexes and his ability to remain calm in battle someone once said that he's a natural born killer. He's a fairly good cook as well, having grown up as the son of a sushi chef.

You might also count Takeshi's unnatural cheer in the face of danger and odd circumstances an odd ability all by itself.

As for weapons, his only weapon right now is a special shinai called the Shigure Kintoki given to him by his father. It could transform into a katana only when wielded using the Shigure Soen Ryu.

How well can your character hack?: None at all.

Yamamoto simply isn't serious about anything right now. Anything and everything is a game to him. While he's very good at the sword, he could be even better if he devoted himself completely to it, but right now he hasn't found any reason to be even better, and is simply content to stay the same as he always is.

His reluctance to kill might get him seriously injured on the battlefield one day. Yamamoto will defend himself and others in a battle, but more often than not stops short at using a killing blow, and often uses the blunt side of his katana as well.

Takeshi Yamamoto was born in a tiny island on the northern east coast of Reil as the only son of a restaurant owner/sushi chef. He was raised by his father as his mother died when he was four, and as such has few memories of his mother. It didn't bother Yamamoto too much, as his father doted on his only son and did his best to give him a happy childhood. And Yamamoto was happy, running around with the neighbourhood children, helping his father as much as he could in the family restaurant, and otherwise being a normal kid.

His father Tsuyoshi was proud of his only son. Watching his son lead the neighbourhood kids around in their games he can't help thinking that there was something else out there for his boy, that Takeshi had the potential to be more than just a chef in a small restaurant. Tsuyoshi remembered his own past, years and years ago before he married, when he was a mercenary and assassin traveling through the length and breadth of Reial. All in all, he thought Takeshi should go out and see the world while he was still young. Upon making up his mind, Tsuyoshi spent a four days teaching his son the basics of the Shigure Souen sword style before handing him a sack of clothes, some money, a mysterious small blue box he's never been able to open and a special shinai that was passed down to successors of the Shigure Souen and telling him to go out and seek his fortune, but don't forget to write once a in a while.

Sixteen year old Takeshi was a bit puzzled by his father's actions at this point, but he did as his father asked and left his tiny island home to look for his fortune. In the next few years, going through a series of different jobs (from cook to assistant blacksmith to mercenary) and hair-raising adventures, Takeshi polished up his swordsmanship and gained a bit of a reputation for himself as a good swordsman, though it's something he usually laughs off about. Eventually he decided that he'd like a steadier job for the next little while, and decided that a position on a airship might just be the one he's looking for.

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