- Rachel, I read this and thought of you. Put that Brita filter to good use and help Mo's beverage supply!
Tomorrow is Dillo Day (FYI, Lincolnites: Dillo Day = Northwestern's annual wake-up-and-drink, day-long party with some kick-ass bands in the evening). Should be an extravaganza - I've been a very very good girl this...quarter. Let's clean out the fridge so we can head home!
Speaking of going home, that will occur two weeks from today. This is a surreal statement. I do not understand how my freshman year of college is nearly over. Over! All done, c'est fini, the end. A big party, three finals on Tuesday (two for Editing and Writing, an oral final for Arabic), a paper due June 5th, my written Arabic final that Wednesday - then packing and driving. And finding a job. And a car. And my life. I'm not really sure what life consists of at home; I had just started to figure out what it meant here. And then things have to go and change again. I'm whining for no reason - I love change and mixing things up. That would be why I left in the first place, silly girl. I'm just worried about how things will be different between people I used to have so much in common with and knew well. Will we still understand each other? Can I go home, but bring these new people with me? I've grown accustomed to certain people knocking on my door nightly - it makes my day. I think it's starting to hit me, for all the avoiding I've done.
I'm leaving this year more unsure about my future than ever before and, for once, I think it's an ok state to be in. I came here absolutely sure about how my life would function: activities to join, ideas on where to work, a chronology of my life at The Daily, trips to Chicago to hang out every weekend. Each idea was quickly amended - maybe I should try other things before devoting my life to newspaper, maybe I shouldn't spend all my time working (like in high school) without giving myself time to breath. Sometimes it's ok not to get the homework done.
You don't have to be perfect.
I've had more fun in Jess and Rachel's room than any trip to play in Chicago. I've had conversations on my floor at 3am worth much more than the information I slept through in Arabic the next morning. And Medill F's hurt - but I will never forget how to spell Condeleezza Rice's name again. And it wasn't even my fault.
(I had a panic attack at work last night when we were talking about the suburbs around here. I thought I had turned in my speech story already (which I haven't) and hadn't double-checked the spelling (which I haven't, but I remembered think that I need to) and I completely froze - sure that I had misspelled the suburb's name. I'm completely ruined already. :) )
I don't want to do a melancholy remembrance entry - yet. But here's a few jems from the year that I want to make sure I remember:
1. "But if it rains down home, Papa won't be home to get the crops out!"
2. Don't get drunk during Assassins weekend - especially not if you're MY roommate.
3. It's hard to start over, and be not perfect anymore. But then you can always start a Facebook group about it (during class, Medill Non-tools against Medill tools?)
4. Don't sleep through your alarm when you're taking the El to the airport. And don't let Middle Eastern men at Newark use your cell phone. It makes Jess nervous.
5. Boys will take your heart, break your heart, cause you to stay up until 5am for good and bad reasons, but in the end? Things will work themselves out. If they don't? Go running.
Until next time, insha'allah!