May 19, 2010 00:03
Door. [We get the idea.]
Yuri, and basically the whole group, had lost count on how many doors they had seen. The last double doors they saw, one was a trap, which they fell into, where they had to fight a few knights.
Zagi. [I was close.]
Yes, the annoying, pest, in other words, Zagi stood there, in all of his pathetic and puny pride. [My god, it's like she just spammed the comma key.] It was like the last room. Well, not really. The room they were in was huge. It looked like some sort of control room, although it didn't look like it was controlling anything, since it was just them and Zagi. [So, it was exactly like the last room. But not.]
"Yuri Lowell… today, you have to pleasure of being my victim…." He said, in that ridiculous voice of his. [Don't diss the voice actor, yo!] Yuri sighed.
"Oh, not you again." He muttered as the rest of the group sighed along with him.
And then he heard the door opened, fast. The whole group lost their attention from Zagi to the door. Zagi, capitalizing on the group's distracted state, viciously rushed them. His mad cackles filled the air as he relentlessly tore his twin blades into Yuri, shredding his body to strips of flesh. The ecstatic glint in the assassin's eyes never faded as quickly eviscerated the remaining members of the party. They were never heard from ever again.
[Sadly, that is not what happened and we must suffer through the rest of this terrible fic. :(]
"Yuri!" One of the figures shouted.
Behind him, were Flynn and Sierra, panting. Their swords were covered in blood. They, themselves were covered in blood. Zagi laughed at the sight of the two, though more at Flynn. He didn't know Sierra.
"Oh, is this Flynn Scifo? Oh, never mind. Yuri's better to kill anyways." Zagi pondered, though they all ignored him. [Man, you can't even get Zagi right?]
"What happened?" Judith asked. Raven looked at the mess quickly. And then deducted on a result.
"Well, it appears ta be that Sierra darlin' and Flynn were attacked." He said, stating the obvious. Sierra sighed, as she wiped the blood off her forehead. It wasn't hers. [Aw. :( ]
"We were attacked by the remaining of Alexei's soldiers. So, once we dealt with them, we ran off to follow you." Flynn explained. The others frowned, well, apart from Yuri, who had a thinking look on his face. 'Damn, she followed us. Guess we'll have to lose her another way, then.'
"I see, so the Royal Guard attacked you two…" Raven said, as he thought. The rest looked at him confused, since they didn't know the Royal Guard. Sierra caught their confused glances and explained, right before Flynn was going to. [This girl just beats everyone to everything, doesn't she?]
"The Royal Guard is knights that are extremely loyal to the Commandant, in this case, Alexei." Sierra explained as she took a cloth from her bag and wiped the blood off her face, and sword. Once she was done, she looked up and looked at the figure who was now behind them. [By the way, how are you guys still alive? Oh right, Zagi is out of character. Carry on.]
"Well, do we have another moron to slice, or is this your friend, Yuri?" She asked, as she took her sword out and held it by her side, her left hand clenched around the handle tightly. Yuri broke a bead of sweat and frowned. [Why is he sweating? Unless he has some secret relationship with Zagi or something.]
"Friend? This freak? More like a maniacal fiend who claims he's stronger than I am. Or in other words a-" He was about to continue, but when he heard the words come out of Karol's mouth, he sighed and all he did, and could do at the time was nod.
"-a freaky fan." Were the words that Karol said to complete the sentence. [That was terribly anticlimactic!]
"Hey! You guys are to praise me, not ignore me!" He shouted in anger and desperation. He didn't see it, but knew the moment he shrieked. [Shrieking is a reaction to something, which means he should know what happened before he made any noise. :\]
The conversations were over when he saw blood pouring out of his leg.
And Sierra's sword was coated in blood again. [So she attacked before even knowing who Zagi really is? I mean, hearing that he's a "fan" doesn't exactly betray his murderous intentions. (And no, that top bit about killing doesn't count because "they all ignored him".) Then again, this shouldn't be a surprise considering how abusive she is throughout the story.]
"You-you, pest-girl! You cut my leg! You're the second one to make me bleed! [So the three previous battles with the rest of the party didn't count?]" Zagi shouted through gritted teeth. Sierra laughed, as she loosened the grip on her sword, just a little. Apparently not, the conversations weren't finished yet. [Every time the author lies, a baby dies. The infant mortality rate is quite high now.]
"Is that an achievement? [Is that supposed to be a witty fourth-wall break.] I never knew it was such an achievement to make an idiot like you to bleed. But, I'm quite grateful for the acknowledgement." She said, as she slashed his legs again. Due to her feeling the blastia that was in his weapon [...How did she 'feel' it? Is this another one of those powers she just made up?], she didn't feel quite comfortable aiming there. So it was his legs. Right behind her, Flynn and Yuri had gone behind him and slashed him, on his back.
"Violent Pain!" Rita shouted, as she did her little dance [It's not a dance.] that went along with the incantation. Judith did a few things with her spear, occasionally fighting against Zagi (one-on-one style), but all she was supposed to do was watch the items with Repede [So you decide to stick a talented melee-based character on the sidelines. Good strategy you've got there. Oh wait, you just don't want her taking Sierra's spotlight.] Patty and Raven were using their weapons like crazy, Patty trying to aim at the back of his head [Which meant she kept on failing, I assume.], while Raven tried to aim for his neck, but the arrow always got to his back or his chest on some occasions. [You know, why aren't they casting spells instead? Since they can do that and they risk shooting the front line with their projectiles. Oh wait, right. Miss Author hasn't played the game.]
Karol stood there, with his hammer, which he had swapped his sword for, listening for the vital information Zagi would spill. [Lol, can't think of anything for Karol to do?]
After they got information that Zagi spilled [I think I heard that once before...], saying that it was decoy that they were in, Sierra did the finishing blow. Ironically, it was the weakest move she knew. [Add insult to injury, will you?]
"Demon Fang!" She shouted, standing a few feet away. He screeched in pain as he fell. [Everyone sure likes to screech.] Rita ran off to the control panel and turned everything off. But Zagi got up and ruined everything, by turning it on [Oh noes, our plan to save Zaphias is ruined because he turned the switches back on! Whatever shall we do?]., and destroying the control panel.
And then Sierra got mad, literally. [Whereas everyone else only gets mad figuratively.]
"I don't know who the hell you are, but I will slice that blastia of yours if you don't care of this world, only of yourself. The world will NEVER revolve around you." [Says the girl who throws a temper tantrum when she's left behind.] She said, darkly. The dark vibes she was giving off made everyone in about a large radius, pale. [Seriously, I'm starting to think that everyone is anaemic here.] She clenched her sword so tightly, that her knuckles turned white. All Zagi did was laugh.
"Oh crap." Yuri said, as she literally shat her pants ran up to him, she being blinded in some sort of hate. [Is it the warm and fuzzy kind?] She slashed him soo many times that many cuts started to appear on his legs [That's what happens when you slash people, yup.], all of them slowly leaking out blood. And then he got kicked. A blur of green and red came to view.
"Well, well, well, wut do we have here? [Wut.]" A person spoke. Everyone turned to face… Osama Bin Laden. Sierra quickly slashed him too, and blew up all the WMDs with the power of her Mary Sue Plot Device Bag™. While she was at it, she single-handedly invaded North Korea and liberated them. In short, Sierra saved the world. Then she woke up.
"Yeager?" Karol asked, uncertain of what the hell he was doing. He threw out a bag of supplies that Sierra caught the dark side of her gone. [Run-on.] She smiled at him.
"Thanks for that, Yeager. [She really knows how to get around, doesn't she.] Though I don't think you know who I am; understandable, considering it was only a one-night stand and you were drunk. Though, could you pass a message to Linda, of Altosk?" She asked. Yeager's eyes widened, as a blush was quite evident in his face. [/FACEDESK]
"Wut [Damn you for infecting our children with shitty spelling, Internets!] is it, liebchen?" He asked, the blush not disappearing. She looked at him, her blue piecing [<- Wut.] the grey eyes he had. (Are they grey? It's too hard to tell…) [The same way it's hard for you to tell how crappy your writing is?]
"Please pass her the message that I will not back down. Under the name of Sierra Corlese. [I think that was evident when you knocked her out and left her to be mauled by monsters in Egothor Forest.]" She said, her glare disappearing from him to the ground. He gasped a little, but nodded. [Since when is Yeager so obedient? Since this fic.]
"Fine. Though, you'll have to go to the engine room, this place could destroy Zaphias. [Wut happened to his accent?]" And without a look, Sierra smiled at the ground, before flashing a grin. [She smiled at the ground and proceeded to flash a smile. Okay.]
"Well, I finally got that out of my system; let's go stop this place from wiping some region off the map!" She shouted, punching her arm in the air. [The air desperately wanted to punch her back.]
The rest of the group nodded, Yuri, especially. Flynn would've, but he was knocked out, cold. [So basically the author was too lazy to think of any lines for Flynn. Or...] But then, they wouldn't want see the region that they used to fight hard for gone. Sierra just didn't want to feel any guilt for seeing a place where harmless people could be camping, or a small civilization that lay unknown gone. [Random topic jump?] And they were out of there.
They went down the ladder at the end of the control room, everyone eating an Apple Gel, and an Orange Gel. Sadly, there weren't any Life Bottles in the pack. And they had run out before… since the knights kept bullying on one specific member. So, Sierra did the only thing she knew. They gave her another Orange Gel, which she took. [She only knew how to eat?]
"Resurrection!" [...Fuck you.] She shouted. They looked at the figure on the floor, where they laid his body. There was a small glyph underneath him, and then he choked, shooting up like bullet.
"You alright there, Flynn?" Karol asked. The rest of them surrounded him, asking him question [I love Engrish.], if he was alright.
Flynn's eyes flickered madly around the room before settling on Sierra. He stared for a while before turning to Yuri and whispering a feeble "Why?" to his friend. Yuri only shrugged and replied, "If we have to suffer, so do you, Flynn."
"First Aid." She muttered as he stood up. A small light was emitted from his chest [He's not actually emitting it.], and he was back to normal. Sierra laughed when she was done with the healing.
"What happened to the all mighty Flynn Scifo? [Dunno, the author never told us.]" She laughed out. Flynn's face turned red with embarrassment. And the rest of them, they looked at his growing red face [My god, Sierra gave Flynn a tumour on his face.] and then laughed at his cancer as they all walked towards the engine room.
Walk. Door. Walk. Ladder. Walk. Door. Walk. Ladder. [Can I guess what's next again?]
That was the pattern that the whole group was going in. No matter how many times they try to entertain themselves, they eventually got bored. [You know what they need? A good ol' fashioned hoedown. Besides, it's not like it would make them any more OOC than they are already.] They got soo bored that Yuri started to whistle a random tune, and Sierra never reacted to it. Rita started to read her book, Judith started to talk to Ba'ul, Karol was praising his sword, Raven started to brag to others how good and bad Alexei was [He wouldn't. At least, not in a "bragging" tone.], Sierra was just daydreaming about something [She should run into a pillar or something. I mean, everyone else seems to when they're mentally preoccupied.], and Flynn?
He was on par of bored-ness with Yuri. He was playing Scissors, Paper, Rock with Patty [At least it wasn't jan-ken-pon.], who he considered was a maniac, due to her strange happy attitude. [Uhhh.]
But that's for another chapter. [Oh shit, more crap to 'look forward' to.]
They were seriously bored. [Yes, you've only mentioned that three times already.] Since they had a heck load of Holy Bottles, they managed to go through the road to the engine room relatively unharmed. [If they were that bored, wouldn't Yuri and Judith just be itching for some action?] It was just when the effects faded and there was a monster in front of them did they have to fight.
"Yuri." Yuri stopped whistling the theme song (Ring a Bell by Bonnie Pink, for those who don't know.) [We've played the game, thanks.] and turned around, looking at Karol.
"What is it, Captain Karol?"
"…How many Holy Bottles do we have left?" He asked. Yuri looked at the supply bag, only managing to find four. And he was very sure that there were no more in Karol bag™. I mean, why would Karol ask in the first place?
"Four." He replied. That got everyone's attention. Well, except for Flynn and Patty, who were still playing Scissors, Paper, Rock. [Wait, so a monster appeared and they're still playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Fun times.]
"Four? You kidding, Yuri?" Karol asked, his voice shaky. He didn't really want to fight, especially when they were headed to the engine room.
And then Karol's face was splattered with blood. [I bet they also talk about what they'll have for dinner in the middle of battle too.]
Not his, of course.
…Did I forget to mention how boring it was on the Heracles? [Did I forget to mention how much this fic sucks?]
They had finally made it to the engine room. Well, it looked like one. But there was a great pillar of light in the middle, something that looked like it could fire in about a tenth of a second. Literally. [Guess you guys fucked up, then.]
"So that was the thing that shot down the Entelexeia before…" Rita mused. Judith looked at it with some sort of small hate.
"We've gotta shut it down!" Rita shouted, after her few seconds of thinking. [She caught the PMS from Sierra!] The rest of the group reacted fast, as they looked outside, from the convenience of Patty's binoculars and a small porthole in the room. [Oh, you know, there's only this huge balcony right behind where the apatheia is. But hey, let's not use it and let Patty run around for fun!]
"And it's going for Zaphias noja!" Patty shouted. Yuri, Flynn and Sierra gasped, and gaped at Patty. It was like that for about a few seconds, before they got moving again. [It's probably already been a tenth of a second. Why hasn't Zaphias been demolished yet?]
The whole group ran up the stairs that lead to the terrific and great pillar of light, and doom in a case. Rita, on her way there had started to analyze the blastia at work inside the great pillar of light, which was actually aer, but let's just call it light. It's more epic fail.
"This formula implanted in this blastia is more complicated than I thought. I don't think I can stop it, especially at the rate that it is absorbing aer." Rita continued musing through the glyph of calculations she had setup.
The white light had slowly, but surely started to turn red, something that was just a little strange, and if anything, bad. [It was already red when they entered the room... oh sorry, I was thinking of canon. Carry on.]
"Uhhh… Rita? Is the light supposed to be red?" Raven asked, himself not really an expert of aer. Rita looked up from her glyph and her face paled. She panicked.
"It's absorbing aer too quickly! At this rate… Zaphias will be gone! [It should be gone, but it's not like the author hasn't lied before.]" She exclaimed, making the glyph disappear. Sierra looked at Yuri, himself holding the Deim Nomos. [Deim?]
"Hey, Yuri. Can't you use the Dein Nomos to stop the flow of aer into the blastia?" She asked, as casually as she could be at the time. [Thanks for stealing Yuri's idea, Sierra.] Rita clicked her fingers.
"That's a great idea! Try it!" She shouted, urging him on.
And he did. [Another anticlimax. Can't expend the time to describe the other characters' actions, can ya, Miss Author?] Slowly but surely, the light slowly changed, from the dark, angry looking red color, to a passive and cool green.
"Thank you."
Me: I'm back after a weeks long holiday. Well, actually quite the opposite. Assignments, studying for exams, drawing, babysitting, and yeah. So, wasn't really that relaxing. [Cool story bro.]
Yuri: Didn't you have a message to pass along to a reviewer?
Me: Oh yeah. 'Thanks of the review, for a start. Now, to the response. About the spelling mistakes, I find it hard to correct them myself majority of the time (beta's a partial prankster), so they just appear there, no matter how many times I check. [So I'm assuming you don't bother to check at all, since there are a lot of errors that stick out like a sore thumb even if you read it only once.] About my writing style? I'm quite aware that I don't have the writing skill of a professional or anything like that. We learn from practice. As they say "practice makes perfect". [Unfortunately, practicing how to write badly does nothing for you in the long run.] Though, I might not change either [And this is where the reviews go!], since everyone doesn't necessarily have the same writing style (trying not to offend, or anything). I'm just writing the way I want to, for fun.
I just thought I needed to get the point through. I'm too sorry if I've offended you or anything, since your 'pointing out' skills have helped and are a lot better than mine. And yeah, I've probably bored you to tears as well, and its kinda long. Kinda.'
Yuri: ....That was weird, you being serious for once?
Me: You're just angry because I drew half your body in my latest artwork. [...Not even going to say anything about that.]
Yuri: I see... so you did...
Me: I don't ToV. Review, please, since they DO help!
Yuri: She has also forgotten about her apology about how inaccurate the lines in the engine room (pillar of light room, cannon room, whatever) are. She has past that part of the game, and had forgotten. And she doesn't have the English transcript of the game. [Yeah, who needs scripts when there's Youtube?]
Me: That was cold... cold. And stiff. [That's what she said.]
Sierra was mentioned 20 times this chapter.