Jul 24, 2013 19:25
I read a very interesting article about the Bechdel test and how it related to the new movie, "Pacific Rim". The Bechdel test basically decides whether or not a movie shows strong women or depicts them as weak and men-obsessed. The article discusses the dominant male presence in Hollywood and how "Pacific Rim" matches that image. But the movie did something a little differently; the leading stars are both people of color. Rinko Kikuchi, a Japanese actress, plays the strong Mako Mori while Idris Elba, a Black British actor, plays the main character. People have been criticizing the movie for failing the Bechdel test. But one thing they failed to notice was this movie passes the "people of color" test. It has been a very long time since I've been able to watch a movie and see an Asian American women play a leading role. This is actually a topic I've discussed numerous times with my friends and it always ends the same way. According to them, Asian Americans can't land leading roles because they aren't relatable. I must honestly say that this is completely ridiculous.
My childhood hero was Mulan. People always tell me that it is so typical of an Asian American girl to love Mulan and tried to make me feel embarrassed. But why should I be ashamed when Hollywood doesn't give me many options? There hasn't been a popular movie since Mulan that has had an Asian American heroine. I can't even think of one with an Asian American hero that isn't a kung fu star. I'm all for having a bigger and stronger presence of women in Hollywood. But I would like to see some more people of color acting as leading roles.