Nov 23, 2008 17:59
I know it's a horrible sin and bad character trait; to envy people for the things they have. But when you've experienced the hardships of not having money for certain things, it truely makes you wish you were rich.
I was so well off as a child. My parents had enough money to spoil me and my sister. They got us everything we've ever wanted as kids. My cousins and friends were sometimes jelous of us. All thanks to my fathers job as an airline captain, we lived a good life. But it seems like my dad had a little too much money for himself. Sometimes, when a person has so much money they just don't know what to spend it on, they blow it quick. My dad loved to drink. So much of his money went to alcohol and women. He was never faithful to my mom. Being a pilot was obviously his easy way of cheating. He wasn't alwasy home, and how would my mom ever know about these other women from other states and countries. Not only did he drink and cheat, but he also decided to "invest" in a litle side career ot owning houses and renting or selling them. Now anyone would think real estate is a very smart idea, lots of people make their big time bucks selling homes. But my dad just went house crazy, thinking he'd become a millionair just like Donald Trump. Well at first things were going good. People were renting the houses, there was some commision coming in from what was left over for us to keep. Things were fine and dandy. But then a man named George Bush became president. And a little trajic accident known as 9/11 happened. Little did I know, as I was watching those towers burn and crumble to the ground on t.v. that monring, I'd be seeing the next 8 years of my life do the exact same thing.
Now lets just pause here for a second. In no way am I saying that the next occurances of my life are nearly as trajic as 9/11. God knows how much I've prayed for the real victims and their families. My life is fully blessed compared to those who suffered. But I'm also not here to type up about 9/11 itself.
As the economy got worse and the airlines became bland, our situation at home was not so cozy. My dad lost every house he ever owned, including the one we lived in. His airline almost filed for bankrupcy twice. There were times were his paychecks would be held back a week or two. And even when he did get his paychecks, they would have to go into the banks themselves for the collection of what he owed for EACH house. The little bit of money he saved up for me and my sister to go to college, was used on his bills. Finishing up high school sucked for me. The one year where everything was supossed to be perfect, was just a big economic blur. Ofcoarse I hated walking into economics class, I'm surprised I even passed. About two months after high school graduation, my parents split and my mother came to live in NC. I thought I'd never leave Miami. I only felt bad for her leaving on her own. She was depressed the whole year she was here on her own. I decided to finally give NC a try after a year of visiting her. I've always loved white, skinny, dirty, band boys, so I figured it would be easy to come across one since there are sooo many to go around. (Note to reader: The hot band boy is a very rare breed in Miami)
So I'm 20 years old when I arrived to NC. I had to take a year off of school to gain in-state residancy, and I'm just trying my best to make freinds, yet alone trying to find a boyfriend. Finding a job was no problem. I just worked at the same job I did in Miami, Hooters. Except, no one warned me about two little things; state taxes and shitty tippers. Where to begin? Unlike Florida, NC requires their citizens to pay state taxes. So any given pay check gets deducted by what the government takes AND what the STATE takes. In Florida, you only deduct what the government takes. So, get this also... it's pretty cool! In Florida, the waitresses minimum wage is about 3.60 an hour? not so sure about the cents. But in NC i's about 2.13. OK cool do we get a picture so far? not only do they remove MORE from my pay checks every two weeks, but I also get paid LESS here in this state. Now here's my favortie part! In Florida earning about 3 bukcs an hour and working full night shifts about 5 times a week, I would easily expect a 60-80 dollar paycheck every 2 weeks. But here in NC, I get 0.00 paychecks! isn't that cool?!!?!?
They actually take their sweet, snobby corporate time to print me a pay stub that reads $0.00. But I bet they don't mind wasting the money on ink and paper just to tell me I've earned $0.00 these 2 weeks. Ok now I understand I get paid in tips, I know what you're thinking next "what about your tips" well lets see, with the shitty economy a lot of people are not eating out as much. Leaving me and the rest of the waitresses to sit and pull customers to thier tables when they walk in. But what's even better is when those customers work you to your bones and leave you an awesome $5.00 ::sigh:: servers dream tip :D. Because 5 bucks even gets me a full tank of gas! So basically I get 0 bucks an hour, I work for tips. shitty.
So besides money problems, I run into boy problems as well, but that'll be another bitch rant later, my hands are tired. I'm taking a break.
ok this was a long irrelevant to each topic kinda post. I was angry earlier and I just had so much non-sense to type up. These things were just bothering me. And I could go on forever.... it'll never end. haha I need to stop writing for now.