May 20, 2008 18:08
Wow, what a great weekend.
I have realized how much I appreciate the friends that will ALWAYS be there for me, no matter what. Sitting on Lake Steilacoom on Emma's boat with Kate...made me realize the absurdity of life, yet its awesome moments. She put everything into perfect,yet appropriately petty words.
"She picks and chooses her friends like her hand bags. And when they go out of style, she simply tosses and forgets about them."
I feel like I have been victim to shit like this . Hm, lets count- 1...2...3...4...5... The worst being number three. Do I let myself be used, or fall prey to stupid compliments and cruel laughing matters? Teenage girls can be ruthless. And my mom, being the genius on life that she is, pointed something out- it never goes away. So I guess all I can do is put a blindfold on and whiz past it.
Oh and Kate, I'll just straight up add that I'm glad we get to hang out more now. You're too legit for words and you're a breath of genuine air, something that I've been deprived of in the last several months.
And as for all you girls and your hand bags, symbolically and materialistically- your actions are just the beginning of an unfulfilled life. This makes me feel better. :)
The end.