Feb 12, 2009 22:58
there really is no irony, just ridiculous dancing....So caitlin and I were in the computer lab sitting like diagonally across from each other. Neither of one of us realized that the other was there, so we were just listening to music. When we did notice one another, we just started dancing to our different songs and in some cases just guessing what the other was listening to...p.s. I would be screwed if I was deaf...I can't lip-read at all. But anyway, these shananigans went on for almost an hour and it was hilarious, because everyone just ignored us, when clearly we were doing the robot and the sprinkler in the middle of the computer lab. But finally this guy just walks up to me and hands me this flyer for a pajama dance party and tells me that he likes my dancing!! hahahaha...So I'm quite sure that Caitlin and I are gonna go party in our slippers next tuesday!!
Fun timeeees