003 A truck...?

Nov 27, 2009 00:08

Warning: weird dream ahead.

Then again, aren't all my dreams weird...?


I am in a room with pillars all around. The room is completely made of wood and there are several people bustling about, going about their business. In front of me is a guy, about 15, in a wheelchair. He needs to have a bandage on his leg fixed and it is my job to change it for him.

I take off the bloody bandage and begin wrapping a new one around a deep wound on his leg. After I'm done I started to feel... aroused, if you will, and try to think up of something sexy to say to him. Just as I open my mouth to say it, a truck comes through the wall. It has some mattresses on it and they're secured by ropes - on top of the mattresses are several people riding. They shout, "Hop on, Bladeh!" and grab my hand. The guy in the wheelchair disappears. The people haul me up onto the truck and the truck exits the building on the other side, crashing though that wall as well. The truck goes on the freeway and we ride for a while.

We then go to a bookstore in a plaza. (...? XD)

We go inside and start wandering around, looking for book to buy. There I find the next book in the Warriors series (by Erin Hunter) which isn't supposed to come out for another several months and I buy it.

Then I wake up.

Here's some art.

My OC, Kizna, and my friends OC Ash. A little bit from a WIP project that I will most likely never finish.

dream, art: wip

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