hey guys,
I got a
new blog! that old one i posted about a while back was really for a class...so don't worry about that one. this one is to go with my
website, for networking purposes, but it's still going to be fun and cool! I'd love you guys to add it to your readers or bookmark it.
Me and joey sign a lease for an apartment in Williamsburg Brooklyn tomorrow. The hallway and staircase are hella ghetto, but the actual apartment is nice, and (THANK GOD) the rooms are bigger. It's off the second stop from the L train from Manhattan so we're not too far out there. hopefully we'll make a lot of new friends there so i don't have to go back to brooklyn late at night.
We move on the 1st of June, please kill me, I'm so stressed and i really have too much stuff. ackkkkkkkkk. hate moving. please someone invent a teleporter. please, I'm begging you.