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:/ HMMM. man_nav_naudas November 24 2009, 18:55:37 UTC
"...You are friend of Raivis?"

The skepticism had not been replaced by an admission of friendship but increased, and the man looming in the doorway took one step forward in what could have been taken as a threat-

Until Berwald spotted the reusable shopping bags slung about thin arms. "I am Rihard Virza. Cousin-" Gentle rustling sounded as a hand was offered obligatorily. "Unfortunately, Raivis is resting so if you would, please dep-"

"M-mister Oxenstierna?"

Both men started at the softer tone from within- Shuffling across the floor sounded as prelude to Raivis's appearance behind his relative, peeking cautiously out at the Swede past an elbow. "It's okay, Rihard. He's... h-he's a very good friend. Please- go on, we need some m-milk for dinner tonight- I p-promise I won't overexert myself."


Berwald had to step back a bit as the taller Latvian was gently nudged forward, encouragements from the younger man coming quickly, smoothly, in their mother tongue over protests sent back equally as rapidly.

It seemed Raivis won out in the end for Rihard, with a final inquisitive look to their 'guest', turned on his heel without another word and started down the hall toward the stairs.

"...S-sorry about that. I- he means well, he's j-just not used to being away from home...It um, makes him nervous. W-would you like to come in?"


Re: :/ HMMM. oxenstierna_b November 24 2009, 20:10:48 UTC
"'s ok," Berwald grunted, glancing after Raivis' cousin. After having seen him and Raivis together, he was reasonably sure he was...ok as well. Raivis didn't seem afraid of him. In fact, he'd seemed calmer than Berwald had often seen him. Maybe it was the family thing. The good kind of family thing.

"Nice off yer family t' visit," Berwald mumbled quietly.

Before taking Raivis' invitation, Berwald looked at him more thoroughly. He didn't seem too badly hurt, except for his arm. Though obviously that was bad too. Berwald still remembered very well how awkward it was to not be able to use one's arms properly. After the scrutiny, he followed the Latvian inside.

"So, what happened?" Berwald asked, nodding towards the other's broken arm.


Would you like your angst with or without sugar? :3 man_nav_naudas November 24 2009, 20:27:34 UTC
Berwald was a nice guy. He really was.

Just... occasionally, there were times when even Raivis tended to forget that the Swede's raging death glare was in fact, just a more intense way of displaying 'concern'.

He struggled valiantly not to tremble as he led his guest inside.

He could not, however, contain or disguise the flinch which followed Berwald's fairly innocent question.

"Well, h-he was going to come later but what with A-andrejs and then me, he...arrived a little earlier than expected so you know, h-he's just a little testy."

It was no lie, but Raivis very adamantly refused to think that Berwald was inquiring into his health. Obviously, the stranger that was Rihard had piqued an interest.



...either's fine oxenstierna_b November 25 2009, 13:56:51 UTC
At the flinch, Berwald only became more worried. Even he could see that Raivis was trying to avoid answering his question. So either he'd broken his arm in a particularly embarrassing way (which was of course possible), or had some other reason.

"' see. But I meant yer arm, actually," Berwald corrected calmly.


That'll be three lumps of 'omgI'msosorry' then <3 man_nav_naudas November 28 2009, 01:45:27 UTC
"Please, have a seat." And that, in Raivis's mind, equated to a silent plea of 'Please, don't ask about it any further'. Of course he was too polite to dismiss what had been said. Naturally, he was too civil minded to openly state his preference of never addressing the incident.

Thus, as he hovered awkwardly about the couch in his living room, he cleared his throat and answered with the tiniest of, "It was just a-an accident."

Not exactly the truth, not technically a lie if someone were to look at the situation just so.

Raivis offered a wavering, kindly smile. "W-would you like something to drink?"


DELAYED~by stuff. orz orz orz oxenstierna_b November 30 2009, 23:52:07 UTC
"Not r'lly...or if ya have coffee or s'mthing," Berwald mumbled, shrugging. He felt a bit awkward now, being here and pestering Raivis...but he's already decided this was something he needed to find out. What was that he'd heard about victims of violence, that they didn't always want to tell about it for one reason or other. He supposed it wasn't so odd, really. For instance, if his mom had ever beat him up instead of just yelling at him...well, Berwald couldn't really think of anyone he would have told. Maybe his dad, if it had been really bad or something.

"What kinda accident?" he asked, determinately.


Aye, same here m'dear :'3 man_nav_naudas December 2 2009, 03:14:14 UTC
Conveniently busying himself with preparing coffee- stocked for Logan for his late shifts on the clock- it was a good five minutes before the young man offered a hesitant, delicate voiced, "Just t-tripping on the stairs." He glided to and from the kitchen with a peculiar grace that- were Berwald to try to read into it- suggested perhaps it was just for show. As though if Raivis carried himself slightly more confidently than average, he would be seen as 'alright'.

"H-have you uh, made any new sculptures lately? I'd like to see them sometime, if that's alright. I think they're very lovely..."


Aww <3 (Also, B. here doesn'rt know 'bout tact, l-lol I'D ) oxenstierna_b December 2 2009, 19:38:34 UTC
Berwald got up to see if Raivis needed help with anything. On second thought, he shouldn't have asked him to make coffee in the first place, with his arm broken and all. However, Raivis seemed to be doing ok, so Berwald was left hovering nearby. But the younger man was still obviously trying to change the subject.

"Been trying t' get some orders done," Berwald mumbled offhandedly. Then he collected his resolve and stopped Raivis by placing his hands on the other's shoulders firmly.

"Did ya really trip on the sta'rs?" Berwald said in his most serious voice. He meant it to imply that Raivis could tell him anything, and that Berwald would help in any way he could. Obviously, it had to come out sounding more like a dead threat.


It's okay- we love him anyway (when we're not scared witless :'3) man_nav_naudas December 3 2009, 00:24:50 UTC
He hadn't meant to do it, really, but when Berwald's heavy palms settled on his shoulder- strikingly similar to the warm weight of Logan's hands- and his tone took on that of a sociopath on the verge of homicide, he flushed as he cried out briefly 'stop!' in Latvian, luckily collecting himself before the shaking could start.

It had been so easy to control before, after all that hard work and those relaxation exercises but poor Berwald- he just had a presence of 'annihilation imminent' that couldn't seem to be completely overlooked.

Raivis shook his head quickly, attempting to maintain eye contact. Even though it was terrifying.

"I uh- y-yes? Of course I d-did, why else would my arm um, be broken?"

He chortled softly, a bit disjointedly as he placed a mildly trembling hand atop one of Berwald's, subconsciously borrowing a few quips from Peter. "Are you hungry? I could make you something, you know."


Running out of bigger guns, but....ONE more level up. :9 oxenstierna_b December 3 2009, 20:24:17 UTC
"No, 's fine," Berwald told him firmly, still intent on his goal now that he'd decided on it. If there was one thing he'd inherited from his mother, it was an iron persistence once he'd chosen a certain approach.
He decided to give up with subtlety, and ask straight out.

"Reckoned som'ne might've broken 't. Tell me who," Even he himself realized that might have come out too intimidating. But this was important


Baaaaaaaaaack~! Let's get this rolling again, shall we? <3 man_nav_naudas December 13 2009, 19:32:46 UTC
It was imperative to Raivis that he absolutely avoid addressing any insinuations toward the accident Berwald might throw his way.

What he should have honestly expected but denied would happen was the mammoth weight of brutal, sincere concern in a very painfully direct 'Tell me who'.

He could dance about the truth if people did not ask the right questions, but when the words slid into place as a key might tease the mechanisms of a lock, Raivis was inevitably open.

The shaking did begin now. His gaze ricocheted to the far wall. "I-I... I can't..."


...bwah, poor Raivis (I feel kinda evil now) :'3 oxenstierna_b December 14 2009, 19:44:52 UTC
"'course you can," Berwald told him, the words meant to be reassuring coming out as a command.

He almost laid a hand on Raivis' shoulder, but the memory of what had happened last time held Berwald off. Instead, he just tried to catch the other's wondering gaze, hoping it might convey his sincerity and support.

"Promise I won't make 'ny trouble," Berwald added when nothing seemed to be fortcoming. It didn't sit very well with him, promising that, but...he'd just have to make sure to stay true to it in spirit if nothing else. As long as it was reasonable.


N-not evil, just um- a little er... intimidating is all ;3; man_nav_naudas December 16 2009, 19:26:33 UTC
Oh God...
Oh GOD- Berwald was not a bad person. He was a kind, sweet, loving man who was affectionate toward Peter and his friends and was quite polite and had the nicest blue eyes and most terrifying face in the world and dear sweet merciful Lord Raivis was not going to have a panic attack right in front of him when the man made to grab his shoulder.

Bewarld was not. Trying. To. Kill. Him.

He forced a breath in through his nose. Choked on the air and spluttered out a brief, 'I'msorry' before he could compose himself enough to bypass the embarrassment of the situation and remain sufficiently 'calm'.

It was not a threat. The man was only trying to help. He cared.

Raivis just... wished he would stop forgetting that. What was it about the Swedish gentleman that had everyone so off put? Other than the looming, the dour expressions, the flatly delivered almost non-existent intonations-


The youth drew back, clamping his mouth shut as his cheeks reached dangerous levels of burning, hot red.

Well, so much for that.


(mun feels evil :3) oxenstierna_b December 16 2009, 20:48:15 UTC
Doctor...? At first Berwald thought about doctors at a hospital, but surely no medical man would hurt someone on purpose? Besides, what could one have against Raivis? How would he have even met them let alone...

And then, because Berwald might not have been the most perceptive person but he wasn't entirely stupid, he remembered who Raivis worked for. The psychiatrist.

"Dr. Brakinsky?" Berwald asked, startled.

Sure the man had had way too many sunflower paintings, but he'd seemed like such a nice guy! Then again, appearances could be deceiving, Berwald knew that too...knew it all too well.


(ILU anyway XD) SHORT POST IS SHORT ORZ man_nav_naudas December 16 2009, 21:25:07 UTC
Raivis fell deathly silent.

The way he stared back at Berwald, the stiffness in his limbs- expected of the broken arm hung uselessly in its cast- he looked disturbingly like a... a glassy eyed porcelain doll.

Quieter than the rustle of leaves on a gentle, dying breeze, a word came between them with all the force of a honed punch in the gut.



<3 oxenstierna_b December 16 2009, 21:42:13 UTC
"Ha," Berwald said.

Raivis looked...kinda worse now. Berwald hoped he hadn't messed up here. Moving slowly, like someone in the company of an easily spooked animal, he sat down on the nearest chair. For once, some instinct told him to try his best not to upset Raivis any more. Whether it would work...was another matter.

"Happen'd before? an'...d'ya still work f'r 'm?" Berwald asked, frowning.


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