WHO: This episode stars Logan and Vash with guest cameos from Liberty's beloved citizens
WHEN: Starting Tuesday Morning and ending when justice is thoroughly served sometime in the late evening.
WHERE: Starts in Downtown Liberty and will move across town, maybe the entire town, that's right ALL OF IT.
WHAT: This is what a normal day is like for Vash and Logan; JUST NONSTOP PUMMELING AND ACTION
Pulling over speeding drivers was never one of Vash's strong suits, in fact he still didn't understand why the offenders never just pulled over. Sure citizens have an instinctive fear of the law and its enforcers but to not have one driver pull over in his entire career was a strange coincidence really.
That familiar tundra of debree was kicked up into the air as the screech of friction between rubber and gravel awakened the lazy morning. Citizens, even if your son and or daughter is late to school please make sure to obey the speed limit, a message from your friends down at Liberty Police Station
Thundering motors trailed down Liberty's streets as incoming traffic was easily avoided with the quick maneuverability of the motorcycle, though the same could not be said about the SUV which had a tough time hulking itself in between other cars in hopes of losing the officer. At one of the stop lights Vash managed to get close enough to the lawbreakers vehicle to knock on the drivers side window before it sped off once again during the red light. Tsk, Tsk, a double offender.
But Vash was not annoyed, no, in fact there was a giant grin slathered across his face that continued to grow at every tight turn and devilish jump in acceleration. There was really nothing better to get ones blood pumping at the start of the day then an old-fashioned car chase. Trailing the SUV into the single-laned streets of Downtown Liberty the sound of another deafening motor echoed through Vash's ear drums. As the car accelerated it was as though a rapid fire machine gun had been set off, the blaring sound pounded into the young officer's ear drums.
Quickly shooting a glance behind him in an effort to see who managed to trail him Vash's brows furrowed as his mouth formed into a snarl at the coming annoyance. Through the front window of the incoming police car he caught sight of the familiar shit-eating grin that he had to deal with every day at work, and glared odiously in its direction. In his attempt to get closer to Vash, Logan swerved onto the opposite incoming lane, causing several other drivers to test out their reflexs by maneuvering their way around the sudden obstacle for their dear lives, and rolled down his passenger window. As the window inched further down Vash's snarling scowl only further grew as the ends of his mouth continued to drop. If there was ever a time for a zoom in close up, it would be now.