Who: Lenna and Vash
When: Saturday, November 7 (Late Afternoon)
Where: The Charleston
What: Two months of delaying the inevitable is coming to a close
Rating: A for ANGST but will raise rating if it comes down to it
The past three days have been, what most would call it, torturous.
After arriving home on Wednesday, Lenna had been extremely careful to avoid her roommate. She'd wake up when it was still dark outside and head out of the apartment when Vash would least expect it. Then she'd come back at odd hours, trudge to her room, and collapse from exhaustion. To put it in simpler terms, this couldn't go on forever, and she knew it.
Which is why when she left the apartment at four in the morning, she had decided to confront her friend about the mess that was the arrest of the Vargas brothers... and perhaps, about a few other things.
But as she stopped in front of her apartment door, music streaming from her ear buds, Lenna hesitated. What if this led to destroy their relationship with each other? What if, this completely destroyed the two of them? What if- She stopped herself, before those thoughts lead to something dangerous. "Concentrate," she told herself, "You just need to talk to him. So take a deep breath," Lenna took a deep breath and sang the two lines that would give her strength.
"I know the world's a broken bone..."
Her hand moved to the doorknob.
"But melt your headaches, call it home."
And she opened the door.