Are you a personal shopper?

Oct 26, 2009 19:50

Who: Eddie and Feliks
When: Oct 26th early afternoon
Where: Crystal Court
What: Edna would so totally not like Eddie asking Feliks for help.

He hated it when Edna did that to him, make most of his clothes disappear. Goodness knows what she did to them and it wasn't the first time either. Sighing uncomfortably, he tugged the leg warmers up before pulling the cat hooded coat tighter round his body. Okay, so the shirt was probably, a long, long time ago mind you, one of his that Edna had 'borrowed' previously but he felt rather...girlie. Thank god he was able to find a pair of his own boots.

Shaking his head and still clutching his jacket tightly, the blonde made his way over to one of the shop windows, seeing what they had available, frowning slightly. Why did everything seem to be women's clothing and the men clothing look so blooming feminine? Was he even looking at the right stores?

He wished he could just give Edna a list of everything he wanted and needed but he dreaded to see what he would find in his closets. Memories of puffy and frilly bloomers she had bought when he had asked for some new boxers stood out all of a sudden. "Pull yourself together Eddie!" he muttered as he looked away from the skirt that was apparently for men and was most definitely not a kilt. He went to walk off when instead he went straight into the person also admiring the shop window, sending them both to the ground with Eddie letting go of his jacket as he braced himself.

"I'm so sorry Mis-ster!" He gasped as he gave his fellow blonde a hand.

status: complete, coral sea islands, poland

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