Oct 09, 2009 20:28

WHO: TEH GERMANICS. (you know who you are)
WHEN: Friday Night
WHERE: A Bavarian Beerhall

Excited may have been too light of a word.

Roderich had promised her a dinner, and tonight he was fulfilling that request. Sure, they were going to a German place (not her favorite), and they were not going to dine alone (Ludwig had been the one to invite them), but still! Beer! Awesome! If the Germans had anything right, it was beer. And tonight, she was drink it until she couldn't remember where she was.

Elizaveta was worried about the man beside her, however. She had drank with Rodi before, did not go well. But it was he who had invited her here, so perhaps he knew his limit now, so perhaps this evening won't end as badly as last time? A strange feeling of doubt filled her, and it both worried and exhilarated her.

They soon came onto Der Bierplatz, already bustling with party hoppers taking advantage of Oktoberfest. Drunks and polka music spilled out of the constantly opening door, and Elizaveta had to sidestep as an especially inebriated couple nearly stumbled into her, the pair laughing their heads off as they walked off. She watched them for a moment before turning to Roderich and throwing him a vibrant smile. Oh yeah. This was going to be fun.

you're not a part of this family!, finland, hungary, greenland, status: complete, denmark, group post, germany, sweden, loldrunks, i swear to drunk i'm not god, prussia, austria, alcohol's a food group

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