would you like some pantyshots with that

Oct 08, 2009 22:22

WHO: Mei, Edna~*~*~
WHEN: Thursday noon (October 8)
WHERE: Royal Café
WHAT: There are three types of customers who come to the Royal Café: the otaku, the dirty old man and the occasional lesbian.


taiwan, the isle of lesbos, moe fucking kyun, status: complete, coral sea islands

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Would those be frilly panties? teh_glk October 8 2009, 19:41:56 UTC
Edna had practically skipped though the Huayuan area of Liberty as she headed towards her favourite café in the world. Whoever came up with the concept deserved a medal in the blonde's book. Sure the sleazy guys that would sometimes come here were annoying but the maids made up for it ten-folds. Adjusting the ribbon and clips in her hair as well as her miniskirt she entered café, pouting when she spotted one or two maids scurrying away. Spoilsports.

Oh, Edna, it's you!

The blonde grinned and gave Anita a wink before glancing round her to the startled looking maid behind her. So this was the Umika she had heard about? "Of course." She chirped at Anita. She had to resist the urge to giggle when Anita encouraged Umika to perform her duty, poor thing was flustered. It took Edna a few seconds to clock on to the Japanese phrase said to her and she smiled at the new maid, giving her a small nod.

Oh! This new maid was definitely cuter than the last one when she was here.


They can be anything you want them to be, bb~ Feel free to control the maids, by the way. hwamei October 13 2009, 16:12:34 UTC
Mei was supposed to introduce herself and say, "よろしくお願いします" She knew she got this wrong because Anita shot her a dirty look that sent shivers down her spine in an instant. All of the maids knew that they shouldn't mess with Anita. That was her character, after all: a sweet, sugar-coated lolita on the outside, a dark, demented soul ( ... )


Wheeeeeeeeee~! >3 teh_glk October 16 2009, 23:31:55 UTC
Edna didn't notice the scowl that Anita was giving Umika, far too busy admiring the maid. Fingers twitched as she studied the strands of hair that were sticking out, wanting nothing more than to curl it up in her finger.

Glancing at the table, Edna giggled. "The usual spot I see." She proclaimed, following the girl almost too eagerly. Looking around, making sure that no-one was really paying attention well, beside Anita but she was used to the customer's...habits almost to the stage of over looking some of them, she crouched down slightly. Grasping the edge of the skirt, Edna began to lift it up. She had just got the sight of ink when Umika began to fix her skirt, forcing her to let go. So. Fricking ( ... )


(・△・) (゚ △ ゚) (≧△≦) (;⌒;) hwamei October 19 2009, 06:07:34 UTC
Anita told Mei to direct a blonde named Edna to that certain table a few moments prior. What made her so deserving of her own spot still baffled her. She was sure Anita was laughing sadistically on the inside at this moment. That woman always knew exactly what she was doing and it scared Mei.

That wink. That tone. Darlin'... Right. Wasn't she the one supposed to flirt with the customers? No, wait a second, she didn't swing that way! Where was the cafe's resident tomboy? She called in sick for today. Oh no. The maids looked at Mei with utmost sympathy from the door leading to the kitchen and she turned away from them in disdain. Why her ( ... )


(OwO)? teh_glk October 22 2009, 22:00:53 UTC
Judging by Umika's response to her flirting, she hadn't had to deal with that many lesbians here so far. She had to be better than those game and comic book geeks at least, right? "Yes please, I simply love melon cream soda." She chirped after the maid's retreating form, humming as she admired her...she needed a bit more of a bouncer in her step in Edna's opinion ( ... )


You have every right to hate me. 。゜(>д<)゜。 also lol, Luka XD hwamei November 2 2009, 10:10:30 UTC
Mei had the intention of pulling away and getting right back up on her feet. The hold Edna had on her was rather... uncomfortable. Strange. Definitely awkward. Mei was about to pry Edna off until she realized this could be a tactic to reel in more customers. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get their customers to talk about her moe lesbian antics, but she was sacrificing her reputation for the sake of the café. For the sake of the café. So she played along. This was what they called fanservice.

"I'm sorry," Umika put on her best pout. "I wasn't looking, and..."

Oh, shoot. Her eyes widened at the mess. The pieces of Jenga were scattered all over the floor. Anita was going to kill her. Breaking the act, Mei pulled away and let out an aiya~ before getting on all fours to pick up the pieces. Aiya - it had become her trademark catchphrase solely for work. Thank god for unintentionally adorable and feminine-looking brother figures, and thank Mei's selective hearing for blocking out the discreet sounds of cameras focused on her


~<3 teh_glk November 6 2009, 15:32:11 UTC
Oh good god! Was she leaning into her? Trying to keep her lust general horniness emotions in check Edna just nodded and cooed at Umika. Poor thing, she knew what it was like to be clumsy too.

And no, that wasn't a small trickle of blood coming from her nose that everyone could see. Honest!

Before she could molest feel up properly hug the maid, she was out of her grasp and on all for looking for the blocks giving Edna a pretty good view of her... Okay, maybe she was having a bit of a nosebleed now. Luckily Luka seemed to already be at hand with a pink and blue frilly napkin for her and the blonde accepted it before crouching down to grab a few of the pieces near her. "Umika~" She chirped holding the pieces out to her.


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