When he told me to get lost, I didn't think he meant it literally

Oct 07, 2009 16:25

WHO:Aroon and Kimmy
WHEN: 11:00 AM Wednesday morning on October 7
WHERE: ...somewhere in Huayan
WHAT: Aroon and Kimmy are playing hookie and are spending some "quality" bonding time..while being lost.

Wait WHAT does that sign say?! )

where the hell am i?, status: complete, thailand, bonding tiemz, vietnam

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lotusvivi October 7 2009, 23:57:51 UTC
" Uhmm.... Huayan." she said. They were in the part, but where specifically? She hadn't really been in that part of this area before. And yes, even though she was Asian, she didn't spend THAT much time here. Shameless, right?

Also, being an Asian who didn't really read Chinese or Japanese written language, made it even worse when trying to guess what all the signs around them said.

Why had they gone here again? Oh yeah.... Playing hookie.

Just like when they were kids. At least the two years she had lived in Thailand, they'd skip school a day and buy ice cream and just sit by some beach or something and eat it. Except they hadn't gotten lost then.

Like now. She sighed, and stuffed her hands in her pockets.


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 00:17:05 UTC
Aroon stared, incredulous. Well, alright. A Thai boy and a Vietnamese girl can surely navigate themselves through an area with just Japanese and Chinese signs…right? Right?

Okay…maybe not. That doesn’t actually sound like such a good idea. Aroon almost wanted to just call a taxi and go back to his apartment to sleep the rest of the day away. But it has been a while since he was able to spend time with Kimmy. Also..there was something very important that he needed to take care of…

“Kimmy…I came with you like I promised. NOW can I get Sofia back?”


I HAS YOUR ELEPHANT >8D lotusvivi October 8 2009, 00:24:21 UTC
" I don't have him. He's at my apartment." Kim said, with an innocent grin. " I left him there so I wouldn't lose him after we went out." she explained. For some reason, whenever she was near that stuffed animal, something always happened. She was certain it had some sorta curse on her. Maybe it was really alive, and just didn't like her very much, cause it didn't wanna share Aroon with anyone.

Totally. That had to be it. Evil little elephant.


WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON MY ELEPHANT :[ all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 00:29:57 UTC
Aroon blinked. Once. Twice.

What? She pretty much bribed him out of bed today with the promise of returning his elephant to him, cleaned and perfect, if he went along with her crazy scheme.

“…well I guess..I will have to drop by your apartment later on and pick it up then.”

Aroon glanced at the colorful neon signs and strange shops all around them. Well it doesn’t look like he’ll make it back to his work anytime soon even if he knew where he is right now, so might as well make the best of today, right? Maipenrai!

“Are you hungry? Have you gotten breakfast this morning yet, Kimmy?”


IT DOESN'T APPROVE OF OUR FRIENDSHIP D> lotusvivi October 8 2009, 00:40:52 UTC
" Mhm. Come by anytime. Just stay clear of Romano. He's... kinda cranky." she warned, not wanting to imagine all-smiles Aroon in the same room as always-on-PMS Romano.

" Hungry? Yeah. I'm kinda hungry." she'd eaten a sandwich for breakfast, but it hadn't been much.


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 00:46:29 UTC
“A-ah. Alright.” Aroon nods, grinning. Looking at a few of the restaurants nearby, Aroon decided on a colorful little dimsum restaurant. “We should go to that one!”

Aroon smiles and dragged Kimmy by her hand across the street, perhaps a little bit too hazardously in his excitement, angering a nearby driver.

Truth be told, he haven’t eaten in the morning at all. And for someone who is almost eating constantly, that is a really long time to go without food. So at this point, he’s famished and want nothing else but to be able to sit down and eat.


lotusvivi October 8 2009, 02:23:12 UTC
" Whoa!" Kim almost tripped over, not prepared for the dragging at all, but luckily she stayed on her feet.

The driver yelled at them in Chinese, but she ignored it. The thought of chowing down on dim sum was so tempting.


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 02:52:29 UTC
When they got into the restaurant, Aroon picked the table near the window for him and Kim, pointing excitedly at the area around the restaurant that reminded him of his own work place. Though both of them didn’t speak a word, or read for that matter, of Chinese. The picture menu and a lot of various pointing was all that they needed to order their food.

“It have been a very long time since we have been spending time like this,” Aroon smiled, sipping on his cup of tea.


lotusvivi October 8 2009, 03:05:18 UTC
" Yeah, it has." she smiled and looked at the menu. Why couldn't it have an English translation? Maybe learning Chinese or Japanese would've been a good idea back when she had the chance.

" You've been working a lot, haven't you?"


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 04:10:58 UTC
“Yes. With the new publicity of the restaurant…it have been very hectic around there! Head Chef is a good friend and a good boss. I do not mind helping him…but it is very tiring sometime,” Aroon agree tiredly, thinking about the past few weeks and not really wanting to admit to himself how many all nighters he had to pull. It was wonderful that the restaurant was getting more and more popular, but at this rate, he was completely wearing himself out.


lotusvivi October 8 2009, 04:20:02 UTC
" You should take it easy. A lot more easy. I actually worry when I don't hear from you for so long."

Kim knew he worked too much, and she really wished he'd relax, she didn't want him to end up in the hospital from passing out of exhaustion or anything. Yeah, she did tease him and steal borrow Sofia a lot, but she cared. She really did!


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 16:07:47 UTC
“I will try. Thank you for worrying about me, Kimmy,” Aroon smiled. It was always comforting to know that there was someone here who was worried about him. And hey, that time that he was in the hospital was just unfortunate. It was like he wanted to get himself in there.

The waiter came back with a few of the dishes that they ordered. Aroon thanked him for the food, smiling charmingly, and pushed a plate toward Kim.

“Breakfast time!”


lotusvivi October 8 2009, 16:22:46 UTC
She felt her stomach grumble at the sight of the food. Mmm... Food...

" Great. I'm starving." she smiled and started eating. Not quite like something her Mom or Aroon made, but it was still good. And it had been a while since she'd eaten Asian food. At home, she often cooked something Italian or something, since Romano didn't seem to take too kindly on Asian cooking. Or anything that wasn't Italian.


all_thaied_up October 8 2009, 17:06:04 UTC
Aroon broke his chopsticks apart and murmured a few words of happiness toward his meal and started eating with great gusto. He forgot how good food can be if you haven’t eaten for a while!

Aroon started shuffling food over to Kim’s plate. “Here. Try this.”

Sometime he feels like Kim's mom...but that is probably due to the fact that he grew up around the girl and constantly took the role of her older brother and nagged her about her eating.


lotusvivi October 8 2009, 18:17:44 UTC
When he shuffled food over to her plate, Kim laughed a bit. He'd always been like this, and she honestly didn't mind.

" Thanks." she said, taking a bite of what he gave her.

She'd never been a big eater, and he was often around to stuff her face whenever they spent time together when they were little. At least her Mom was happy there was a boy around who wasn't being a meanie when they were young. Other boys that age could be such bullies, but not Aroon.


all_thaied_up October 9 2009, 22:04:00 UTC
Aroon grin back, “You are welcome.” It was a nice day. At that moment it didn’t seem to matter as much anymore that they were completely lost and didn’t know where in the world they are. Because Kim was right, he has been working a little bit too hard lately. It was a good time to sit down and relax with an old friend.

“So how is school?”


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